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产品技术资料 文献编号: 发布日期 KickStart 仪器控制软件
KickStart软件让你加快获得测量数据。 KickStart简化了您需要知道的仪器知 识,在短短几分钟内,您就可以开箱使 用仪器,获得被测器件的实际数据。通 过立即绘制数据图,在读表中快速提供 数据的统计汇总,KickStart可以让您 更快地收集所需信息,制订所需决策, 转向器件开发的下一个阶段。通过使用 方便的导出功能,KickStart可以简便 迅速地复现测试,比较结果,节省时间。 有了KickStart,您可以把重点放在理 解测试结果上,让您的团队满足创新目 标。1KW-60965-3
手册 手册类型 部件号: 发布日期 MSO4000B 和 DPO4000B 系列 用户手册
数字荧光示波器 User Manual主要用户 071281703 MDO4000, MSO4000, MSO4000B, DPO4000, DPO4000B Series
Application Module Installation Manual用户 071213601 MDO4000C, MDO4000B, MDO4000, MSO4000B, DPO4000B, and MDO3000 Series Programmer Manual
Digital oscilloscopes programming commands程序员 077051009 Tektronix Demo 3 Board Instruction Manual
Demo 3 Board Instruction Manual培训/教程 071286202 MSO4000B and DPO4000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification Manual
Digital Phosphor OscilloscopesSpecifications and Performance Verification性能验证 077050903 MSO4000B and DPO4000B Series User Manual
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes主要用户 071281004 RMD5000
Tektronix DPO & MSO 4000B Series and DPO & MSO5000/B Series Rackmount Kit Instructions现场安装说明 075102002 MSO4000B and DPO4000B Series and Application Modules Declassification and Security Instructions
Declassification and Security解密 077051101 MSO4000B and DPO4000B Series Service Manual
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes维修 077051202 Read This First
Download the Latest IVI Drivers Read This First发布说明 061438100 HCTEK54 Transit Case Instructions
Transit Case用户 071282800 Probe and Accessories Pouch Installation Instructions
Pouch Installation现场安装说明 071283000
技术文档 文档类型 发布日期 使用混合信号示波器调试数字电路的技巧应用指南
电子产品的速度越来越快,这意味着设计、验证和调试也更难。在发生问题时,设计人员必需迅速了解根本原因,以便解决问题。通过同时分析信号的模拟表示方式和数字表示方式,许多数字问题的根本原因都可以迎刃而解,您将学习怎样使用MSO 和MDO 系列示波器的基本逻辑分析仪功能迅速验证和调试数字电路。应用指南 测试一个新的开关模块的电源设计海报
Get a quick overview of the key measurements for verifying a new switch mode power supply (SMPS) design. This poster shows key measurements, from verifying your prototype during initial startup, to optimizing switching loss and magnetic losses, to …海报 2016年测试测量解决方案
泰克为您提供了三种中文版产品手册,向您介绍主要行业领域中的最新相关产品信息,即测试测量解决方案、视频产品选购指南和基础仪器指南。产品选择指南 调试嵌入式系统设计中的串行总线
今天,嵌入式系统几乎遍布在人类社会的每个角落。嵌入式系统可以简单定义为属于大型系统或机器一部分的一种专用计算机系统,其目的是为该系统或机器提供监测和控制服务。典型的嵌入式系统在开机时会开始运行某些专用应用,直到关闭时才会停止。当前设计和生产的几乎每个电子设备都是嵌入式系统。 了解使用泰克示波器强大的触发、解码和搜索功能怎样以极高的效率解决串行调试挑战。应用指南 低电容探头大限度地降低对电路操作的影响
本应用指南介绍了泰克高带宽,低电容无源电压探头怎样降低示波器用户的总拥有成本、改善性能和测量精度及节约用户设置时间。大多数示波器标配的无源电压探头都提供了低成本通用探测解决方案。一般来说,这些探头没有有源电压探头的性能,但坚固耐用、动态范围宽,适合查看信号。应用指南 使用泰克示波器和选配软件支持串行总线
泰克示波器提供了一系列选配的分析功能,简化了串行总线调试或一致性检验。本选型指南说明了示波器系列中每款产品支持哪些串行标准。产品选择指南 使用泰克示波器和选配软件支持串行总线
泰克示波器提供了一系列选配的分析功能,简化了串行总线调试或一致性检验。本选型指南说明了示波器系列中每款产品支持哪些串行标准。产品选择指南 Wave Inspector® :简化波形分析
随着摩尔定律推动着电子技术的速度不断加快,系统设计正变得越来越复杂,其设计、构建、调试及中断修复越来越困难。这一切对现代示波器又意味着什么呢?现代数字示波器可以捕获海量数据。直到现在,搜索这些数据一直是一个耗时麻烦的过程。通过泰克WaveInspector® 导航和搜索功能,您可以以不同于任何其它示波器的效率和精度,获得所需的答案。应用指南 泰克MSO4000B系列与安捷伦MSO7000B全面对比结果
对照比较多种重要功能,如串行触发和解码、波形导航和搜索、波形捕获速率、使用MSO进行数字调试、等等。竞争情况 泰克MSO4000系列与力科WaveSurfer Xs-A系列比较
2页的主要指标比较,包括串行触发和解码, 导航和搜索, 捕获间歇性脉冲和串行搜索等.竞争情况 MSO/DPO4000系列与力科WaveRunner Xi-A系列比较
2页的产品主要指标比较,包括串行触发和解码,导航和搜索,捕获间歇性脉冲和串行搜索等。竞争情况 使用台式示波器进行电源测量和分析
当今电源正走向前所未有的效率水平,要求设计工程师执行专门的电源测量,这些测量不仅耗时长,而且非常复杂。了解怎样使用泰克台式示波器,提供快速简单的分析及自动电源测量。应用指南 采样解决方案概述
泰克数字实时技术是一种透明的技术。由于它在重复性事件和单次事件上效果都非常好,因此不需要打开或关闭任何通道就能实现所标称的性能。DRT 用户可以享受模拟式的操作,同时获得数字示波器的精度和分析功能。屏幕更新速度极快,因为它在一次采集中就能捕获所有的波形样点。技术简介 杰出的处理能力迅速解决问题-台式示波器选型指南
该选择指南突出了创新和强大的功能和MSO/ DPO的系列的优势。带有20个模拟通道和数字通道,以及自动串行和并行总线分析MSO/ DPO的系列提供的功能,您需要简化和丰富的工具,加快您的复杂的设计调试。产品选择指南 处理串行应用:常用串行标准快速指南
本指南介绍使用泰克DPO及MSO系列示波器执行常用串行标准调试。速查资料 常见电源测量 MSO和DPO系列示波器
电源测量捆绑解决方案, 基于MSO和DPO系列示波器速查资料 泰克数字荧光示波器产品家族速查表
描述:共两页,概括介绍SignalExpress (TE)软件的主要特点和技术数据。进一步了解仪器到PC无缝连接解决方案!速查资料 泰克MSO/DPO系列示波器电源测量演示
演示全系列电源测量探头和附件。重点介绍选配的DPO4PWR或DPO3PWR应用模块提供的各种电源测量。演示产品如何轻松进行嵌入式设计人员通常执行的复杂的电源测量。应用指南 示波器选型图
轻松选择示波器。操作指南 泰克4000系列与安捷伦6000A和7000A系列比较
对照比较多种重要功能,如串行触发和解码、波形导航和记录长度。竞争情况 泰克DPO/MSO 系列和TDS/TPS 系列示波器
产品系列定位速查表: 泰克DPO/MSO 系列和TDS/TPS 系列示波器速查资料 介绍电源测量 使用4000 系列数字荧光示波器
在过去一个世纪中,对电能的需求正以指数级提高。这使人们更加看重日常电子设备及高级电子和通信系统中使用的电源的性能和效率。电源是把电能从一台设备转换到另一台设备的元件、子系统或系统。从个人电脑到工业机械,电子设备的正常运转离不开电源的性能和可靠性。电源分成许多不同的类型和规格,包括传统线性电源到高效的开关电源。所有这些电源都面临着复杂的动态工作环境。设备负载和需求在不同时间之间可能会大幅度变化。即使是"日常的"开关电源也必须能够承受突然出现的远远超过平均工作电流的峰值电流。此外 …应用指南 视频测量介绍
使用4000 系列数字荧光示波器进行视频测量。在本应用指南中,我们将考察关键视频测量问题,说明它们与不同类型的示波器的关系。我们还将演示怎样使用4000 系列数字荧光示波器进行常见的视频测量。应用指南 泰克MSO4000系列与力科MS-500探头比较
产品对照比较:泰克MSO4000系列与力科MS-500探头比较竞争情况 电源测量-- 哪种泰克仪器适合您的电源应用?
TPS2000 系列; TDS3000B 系列; 4000 系列 的电源测量快速查询手册速查资料 MSO or LA, 哪种工具更适合您?
混合信号示波器(MSO4000) , 逻辑分析仪(TLA5000B、TLA7000) 哪种工具更适合你? 使用下面的图表和色码键,帮助您选择适合自己应用的调试工具操作指南 介绍MSO4000系列混合信号示波器
介绍MSO4000系列混合信号示波器, 嵌入式设计首选全能调试工具技术简介 您从未见过这样的混合信号示波器的十个理由
了解与MSO4000系列上为使您的工作更轻松而设计的所有使用简便的创新功能。宣传册 When to Choose a Dedicated Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG)
This technical brief is written to help you determine the optimum method of arbitrary function generation for your needs. It shows examples of real-world applications and highlights key specifications of Tektronix and Keithley dedicated arbitrary …技术简介 Measuring Power Supply Switching Loss with an Oscilloscope
Introduction With the demand for improving power efficiency and extending the operating time of battery-powered devices, the ability to analyze power loss and optimize power supply efficiency is more critical than ever …应用指南 Probing Techniques for Accurate Voltage Measurements on Power Supplies with Oscilloscopes
This application note describes considerations and techniques for making accurate voltage measurements on power converters with an oscilloscope, especially as they relate to probe selection and application. It includes two examples for …应用指南 How to Use a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope to Test Digital Circuits
The ability to present both analog and digital representations of signals make mixed signal oscilloscopes (MSOs) ideal for verifying and debugging digital circuits. This application note provides tips to help you efficiently debug …应用指南 Making Accurate Current Measurements on Power Supplies with Oscilloscopes
This application note describes considerations and techniques for making accurate current measurements on power converters using an oscilloscope and a current probe. When used in conjunction with an oscilloscope’s voltage measurements …应用指南 Smiths Detection Relies on Tektronix to Take the Trouble out of Troubleshooting
A team of engineers at Smith Detection needed to quickly, efficiently and accurately identify and resolve problems during the development of complex handheld devices. Learn how Smith Detection engineers used Tektronix bench instruments to identify a …技术简介 iCub Robot Gets Battery Power with Help of Tektronix Oscilloscope, Voltage and Current Probes
Customer Solution Summary CHALLENGE Developers at the Istituto Italiano Di Tecnologia (IIT) needed to validate and troubleshoot a new battery backpack power supply system for the iCub robot, an open-source cognitive humanoid robot …成功案例 Power Supply Measurement and Analysis Primer
A power supply is a component, subsystem, or system that converts electrical power from one form to another; commonly from alternating current (AC) utility power to direct current (DC) power. The proper operation of electronic devices ranging from …入门指南 Introduction to Video Measurements
In this application note, we demonstrate using a MSO/DPO5000, MDO/MSO/DPO4000 and MDO/MSO/DPO3000 Series Oscilloscope to make a variety of video measurements that are common in standard and high definition systems.应用指南 MDO4000B Series vs. Agilent/Keysight MSOX4000A Series
When comparing oscilloscopes, check the details of the operation and look for “hidden” costs that prevent you from getting the versatility in performance you need to complete the wide-variety of fundamental measurement challenges you have today and …竞争情况 MSO/DPO4000B Series vs. Agilent MSO/DSO3000 X-Series
Side-by-side comparison on important features like serial triggering and decode, measurements and waveform math, digital debug with MSO, and more.竞争情况 Making MicroVolt Biomedical Measurements
Introduction Measuring electrical phenomena presents a number of unique challenges to biomedical signal measurement systems. The tiny, microVolt-level electrical pulses that signal a firing neuron or a muscle response are …技术简介 3000 X-Series vs. MSO/DPO4000B Series True Cost of Your Scope
Tektronix bench oscilloscopes are packed with innovative features to help you get your job done faster, built right into the scope. And, with a comprehensive set of probes and accessories included standard, you can start testing right out of the box …竞争情况 MSO/DPO4000 Series vs. Yokogawa DLM2000 Series
Side-by-side comparison on important features like serial triggering and decode, waveform navigation and search, user-experience, digital debug with a MSO and more.竞争情况 Tektronix MSO4000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes Win 2008 EDN China Innovation Award
获奖情况 Portable Scopes Designed for Embedded Design and Debug
产品文章 Test methodologies for high-speed serial designs
产品文章 Oscilloscope Combines Logic Analyzer With Ease Of Use For Better Debugging
产品文章 Tek oscilloscopes catch analog and digital signals
产品文章 REVIEW: Cost-effective scopes time-correlate analog+ digital signals
产品文章 Tektronix MSOs Set Performance Benchmarks
软件 文档类型 部件号: 发布日期 KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.2
KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …应用 KICKSTART-2.11.2 TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V5.11.1
TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …驱动程序 066093813 KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.1
KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …应用 KICKSTART-2.11.1 Kickstart 仪器控制软件 2.5.0(Windows 10 8 7兼容)
"KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of …应用 Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - V2.8
The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …辅助功能 066093915 TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V4.2.0
TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …驱动程序 066093812 DPO2000, MSO2000, DPO3000 and DPO4000, MSO3000 and MSO4000, MDO3000 and MDO4000 and MDO3 IVI Driver - V1.5
The Tektronix MSO/DPO2000, MDO/MSO/DPO3000, MDO/MSO/DPO4000 and MDO3 IVI Driver is an IVI class-compliant driver. It complies with Scope Class specifications (IVI-4.1) as defined by the IVI foundation. An IVI class-compliant specific driver for an …驱动程序 066133104 DPO MATLAB ICT Get Screen 使用Matlab进行示波器屏幕拷贝
演示了如何用Matlab对DPO4K示波器进行屏幕拷贝。 请注意相关软件配置环境以及VISA resource地址。Tektronix公司不负责该例程的完整性、可执行性和正确性。 请点击‘’安装说明“链接直接获取 TXT 源码文件脚本例程 DPO MATLAB ICT Get Waveform_使用Matlab读取DPO示波器的波形
演示了如何用Matlab对DPO进行编程读取波形数据。 请注意相关软件配置环境以及VISA resource地址。Tektronix公司不负责该例程的完整性、可执行性和正确性。 请点击‘’安装说明“链接直接获取 TXT 源码文件脚本例程 MATLAB ICT plot points_通过Matlab绘制波形
使用Matlab从示波器中读取波形数据并绘制。 请注意相关软件配置环境以及VISA resource地址。Tektronix公司不负责该例程的完整性、可执行性和正确性。 请点击‘’安装说明“链接直接获取 TXT 源码文件脚本例程 TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE - V4.1.1
TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …驱动程序 066093811 MSO4000B, DPO4000B Firmware - V3.22
This firmware is an upgrade for all MSO/DPO4000B Series oscilloscopes.固件 063447007 Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - v2.6
The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …辅助功能 066093914 MSO4000B, DPO4000B Firmware, V3.20
This firmware is an upgrade for all MSO/DPO4000B Series oscilloscopes.固件 063447006 MSO4000B, DPO4000B Firmware, V3.18
This firmware is an upgrade for all MSO/DPO4000B Series oscilloscopes.固件 063447005 Tektronix Toolbars for Microsoft Office 32 bit - V4.0.4
Tektronix Toolbars for Microsoft Office v4.0.4 provide toolbars (add-ins) for the 32 bit versions of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. This version of Toolbars requires OpenChoice TekVISA v4.0.4 (Part Number 066093809) to be preinstalled on the PC …辅助功能 066133202 MSO4000B, DPO4000B Firmware, V3.16
This firmware is an upgrade for all MSO/DPO4000B Series oscilloscopes.固件 063447004 TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE, V4.0.4
TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol. When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …驱动程序 066093809 MSO4000B, DPO4000B FIRMWARE, V2.96
This firmware is an upgrade for all MSO/DPO4000B Series oscilloscopes.固件 063447002 MSO4000B, DPO4000B FIRMWARE, V2.90
This firmware is an upgrade for all MSO/DPO4000B Series oscilloscopes.固件 063447001 DPO2000, DPO3000, DPO4000 IVI Driver
The Tektronix DPO2000, DPO3000, DPO4000 IVI Driver is an IVI class-compliant driver. It complies with Scope Class specifications (IVI-4.1) as defined by the IVI foundation. An IVI class-compliant specific driver for an oscilloscope exports the API …驱动程序 066133101 DPO4000B AND MSO4000B FIRMWARE V2.52
This firmware is an upgrade for all DPO4000B and MSO4000B Series oscilloscopes.固件 063432911 DPO4000 AND MSO4000 FIRMWARE V2.62
This firmware is an upgrade for all DPO4000 and MSO4000 Series oscilloscopes.固件 063397016 USING MATLAB WITH MSO_DPO4000 AND MSO_DPO3000 SERIES OSCILLOSCOPES v1.0
MATLAB is a software environment and programming language that enables Tektronix oscilloscope users to acquire and analyze data, graphically visualize data, make custom measurements, generate reports, and develop automated applications. Perform …驱动程序 066110000
常见问题 常见问题 ID 如何使用 TekVISA 向我的仪器发送命令?
TekVISA 下载链接: /node/69201 为与示波器进行通信并控制示波器,可以使用 OpenChoice Talker-Listener。返回“应用程序和实用工具”面板,单击OpenChoice Talker Listener,然后单击”启动应用程序或实用工具”。系统会弹出一个新窗口,您将在此窗口中看到 4 个不同的面板:“仪器”,选择您想要与之通信的仪器;“输入命令或脚本”,输入编程命令并将其发送到仪器的字段 …69181 如何使用仪器的程序员手册?
TekVISA 下载链接: TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE 您好,欢迎使用泰克产品,今天我将介绍包含 3 个部分 TekVISA 使用指南系列的最后一个部分。我将概述程序员手册,以及如何使用它们来找到使用编程命令的正确方法。 每台示波器都附带一本程序员手册,其中包含所有可用于以编程方式控制仪器的命令。可在我们的网站 www.tek.com 上找到程序员手册。为了查找适用于我一直在使用的 MDO4104-6 的手册,我将进入我们的网站,然后在搜索栏中输入 …69186 TekVISA是什么?我如何使用它来与我的仪器进行通信并控制仪器?
VISA 是 Virtual Instrument Software Architecture(虚拟仪器软件体系结构)的缩写形式。简言之,VISA 可处理您的计算机操作系统与仪器之间的通信。 您可能已熟悉 TekVISA。TekVISA 是泰克自己的 VISA 品牌。安捷伦和 National Instruments 也有自己的 VISA。每个 VISA 中包含通信驱动程序、USBTMC 驱动程序(USB 测试和测量类驱动程序)、VISA 软件库和文档、仪器连接管理器 …69176 如何下载并安装 NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition 的 30 天试用版?
注意:泰克不再提供 NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition。此常见问题部分“仅限用于历史记录”。 National Instruments SignalExpressTektronix Edition 是一款测量自动化工具,允许 SignalExpress 控制泰克示波器、函数发生器、数字万用表或频率计数器并进行连续自动测量。 要使用 SignalExpress,必须先下载试用版,然后在购买 SignalExpress …66221 我的示波器使用什么机架安装?
示波器系列 机架安装 TDS1000/TDS2000 RM2000 TDS1000B/TDS2000B/TDS2000C RM2000B TPS2000/TPS2000B 无机架安装 - 皮带吊架 343-1689-00 TDS3000/TDS3000B/TDS3000C RM3000 DPO2000 RMD2000 …64571 什么是混叠 (aliasing)?
混叠现象发生在示波器对信号的采样速度不足以构建准确波形时。信号频率会被错误识别,示波器上显示的波形变得难以区分。 混叠基本上是一种欠采样表现。欠采样波形看起来像频率较低的波形。当采样率与信号频率相同时,欠采样波形为一条平线。 您可以通过在示波器上进行水平测试来检测混叠。如果波形变化剧烈,则可能存在混叠问题。您还可以执行峰值检测,如果波形仍然变化剧烈,则可能存在混叠问题。 要解决混叠问题,可以通过水平缩放、增加记录长度或将两者结合使用。快速解决混叠问题的方法是选择自动设置,它会自动设置垂直 …64691 How do I utilize the XY display feature on a DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series oscilloscope?
The XY display format can be used to measure the phase relationship between two or more synchronous signals. This measurement technique involves inputting one signal into the vertical system as usual and then another signal into the horizontal system …64666 Is there a mictor adapter for the P6616 (logic probe for MSO5000B, MSO4000B, and MDO4000C + MDO4MSO) or P6516 (logic probe for the MSO4000 Series) or the P6316 (logic probe for MSO2000, MSO3000, MDO3000 + MDO3MSO Series)?
A mictor adapter is available from our partner Nexus Technologies. Use the mictor adapter NEX-HD2HEADER http://www.nexustechnology.com/products/laAccessories/hd2header/59716 How do I set up a CAN bus decode?
Depending on the scope you have, the available options for decoding your CAN signal will depend on the compatibility. For all the DPO/MSO2000/3000/4000/5000 and MDO3000/4000 Series scopes, there are modules or license keys specifically designed for …64751 How do I set up a RS232 bus decode?
The procedure to set up a RS232 bus decode and trigger is simple once you understand the basics. First you need to have the correct module or scope option. Second make sure your signal is on screen and taking up as much of the screen as possible with …64761 How do I utilize the measurement features on a DPO/MSO/MDO3000 and DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series oscilloscope?
The Measurements are the same as the DPO/MSO2000 Series scopes. By going into the measurement menu you can add and remove up to 4 measurements. You can gate the measurements which allows you to only measure the part of the captured waveform that you …64651 How do I Set Up a LIN serial Bus decode?
For doing Local Interconnect Network (LIN) bus decode Tektronix recommends using a DPO/MSO/MDO series oscilloscope. This feature can be purchased as a module or option key on any of these types of oscilloscopes. Start by turning it on the bus channel …64781 How do I configure the LAN settings on an MDO4000C series oscilloscope?
This procedure also applies to the DPO/MSO/MDO4000B series oscilloscopes. As it stands now, all 4000 series scopes require a live network connection be made on the scope in order to set and save LAN settings. If the scope does not have a network …66236 How do I setup my DPO/MSO4000B to NI Signal Express?
Please click on video below.64606 How do I utilize the math channel feature on a DPO/MSO/MDO3000 or DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series oscilloscope?
There are three main functionalities on the Math button on this scope. They range from Dual Waveform Math, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), and Advance Math. These three functionalities have a range of abilities and are explained in this short YouTube …64656 How do I set up an Ethernet bus decode?
Make sure your setup is prepared to decode, that you have the needed probes, scope options, test boards, etc. Once you have the options it's important to know how to use the options and probe your signal. To setup Ethernet bus decoding, turn on your …64731 When should I use MagniVu on my oscilloscope?
MagniVu allows you to have higher resolution to accurately determine edge placement on your digital data. It helps you to make precise timing measurements on digital edges. On the MSO/MDO4000/B/C and MSO5000/B Series, you can see up to 32 times more …63886 Are the DPO2AUTO+ DPO2COMP+ and DPO2EMBD Application Modules licensed to a specific MSO2000 or DPO2000 Series oscilloscope serial number? Are the DPO3AERO+ DPO3AUDIO+ DPO3AUTO+ DPO3COMP+ DPO3EMBD+ DPO3FLEX+ DPO3PWR+ and DPO3VID Application Modules licensed to a specific MSO3000 or DPO3000 Series oscilloscope serial number? Are the DPO4AERO+ DPO4AUDIO+ DPO4AUTO+ DPO4AUTOMAX+ DPO4COMP+ DPO4EMBD+ DPO4ENET+ DPO4USB+ DPO4LMT+ DPO4PWR+ MDO4TRIG+ and DPO4VID Application Modules licensed to a specific MDO4000, MSO4000 or DPO4000 Series oscilloscope serial number?
The application modules are not licensed to a specific oscilloscope serial number and can be swapped between the various models within the oscilloscope series.55201 Why Should My Signal Fit Within The Screen Of My Tektronix Oscilloscope?
Scaling your signal to fit within the screen will remove signal distortion caused by clipping. Clipping is caused by exceeding the limits of the instrument's input. Tektronix's digital oscilloscopes are designed such that each division is 25 digital …60306 What cart does my scope use?
Below are the Instrument Carts that can be purchased from Tektronix. K4000 K420 K475 More information can …64561 What is the difference between the P6139A and the P6139B?
From a specifications perspective, the probes are identical. Both are 500 MHz, 10X passive probes. The P6139B can be used on oscilloscopes that shipped with the P6139A.From a mechanical perspective, there are some differences:- Sharper tip- Ground …64441 What is the maximum bit rate a decoded SPI bus can trigger on?
Different oscilloscopes have different triggering circuitry therefor the limits of what speeds can be achieved vary by scope. Please use the following table to easily look up your scope and determine your max SPI bus trigger level. For more …62256 What are some of the benefits of the TekVPI probe interface?
The biggest benefits of the TekVPI™ probe interface are versatility and ease of use. Oscilloscopes with TekVPI interface support a wide range of probes including TekVPI probes, BNC and TekProbe-BNC Level 1 probes, and TekProbe-BNC Level 2 probes …56016 Why do I see 16 flat lines for the MSO digital logic inputs when the same signals are displayed properly on the analog channels and all channels are setup for valid trigger threshold levels?
A common mistake for some, we first recommend verifing that the front panel MSO digital probe is properly connected by squeezing the probe's side latch buttons to un-plug, remove the probe then re-insert the probe label side up into the front panel …60251 What is SPC?
SPC is the acronym for Signal Path Compensation. SPC's. Running Signal Path Compensation corrects for DC inaccuracies caused by temperature variations and/or long-term drift. The benefit of running SPC is that is optimizes the oscilloscope's …60041 What are the primary differences between the DPO/MSO4000B, MDO4000, MDO4000B, and MDO4000C?
The 4000 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes (MDO) continues to be the only true RF/Time domain syncronized instrument on the market. The major differences between revisions of the DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series are described below. Please note the MDO4000C …72111 I could not find any information regarding the increase in bits in resolution for HiRes mode. Is there any information available?
The increase in bits in resolution depends on the decimation ratio. The decimation ratio can be determined as follows:D = MFs / FsMFs is the maximum non-interleaved sampling frequency of the scope. For example: 5 GS/s for the DPO4104B or 2.5 GS/s …55421 I cannot see my signal on the Oscilloscope. What can I do?
You have many options to help diagnose this issue, below are a few suggestions to get started. If you find yourself needing more help, please connect with our Technical Support Center. You can get started by pressing the "Contact Us" button on the …63686 I saved some oscilloscope .wfm and .isf files+ how do I view them on my pc?
The .isf and .wfm is the internal file format. It is designed first and foremost to be easily used by the oscilloscope. Most .wfm files (as well as many other waveform file formats) can be opened with TekScope. You can then save the file as another …59571 Why does the Tkdpo2k3k4k_ReadWaveform() function in the Tkdpo2k3k4k IVI-C driver time out every time I call it when I am connected to the instrument via Ethernet? The function call works fine over USB, but over Ethernet it always times out.
The Tkdpo2k3k4k_ReadWaveform() function makes use of the Service Request Event in VISA so the scope can notify the driver when it has completed its acquisition and the waveform data is ready to be fetched as opposed to the driver polling the scope …72221 How can I increase the measurement accuracy using automated measurements vs cursors?
While Cursors are quick and easy at approximating measurements, using the automated measurements can give you a much better and accurate measurement results. Here are some techniques to be successful in making accurate measurements. Always use …62606 How do I connect an SMA male output to Oscilloscopes with TekVPI BNC inputs?
Use a Tektronix part number 015-0572-XX SMA female to BNC male adapter. This adapter will plug onto the BNC on the front of the scope and connect to a SMA cable. For more questions please press the "Contact Us" button on the right of the screen.63516 How do I reduce noise on signals using an oscilloscope?
There are many methods to reduce many types of noise on a signal. Tektronix oscilloscopes can do this through bandwidth limiting the scope input, averaging your signal, changing the sampling method to hi-resolution mode, and more. This video …64706 How Do I Set Up a Parallel Bus Decode?
For doing Parallel Bus decode Tektronix recommends using a MSO or MDO + MSO option Series oscilloscopes. This feature comes standard in the Bus menu and can be used in a variety of ways. Start by turning it on, selecting the channel and setting your …64771 How do I mount a network drive on my MDO3000 or MDO4000C oscilloscope?
This procedure also applies to the DPO/MSO/MDO4000/4000B series oscilloscopes. Note: This Mount a network drive will not work with a direct (peer-to-peer) connection. Must go through your local DNS server. To begin, press the “Menu” button in the …66201 How do I erase and declassify an MSO/DPO2000, MSO/DPO/MDO3000, and MSO/DPO/MDO4000 Series oscilloscope?
This example will show you how to declassify the MDO4000/B/C Series oscilloscope. This procedure also applies to the MSO/DPO4000/B, MSO/DPO/MDO3000, and the MSO/DPO2000/B series of oscilloscope.The first step in the declassification process is …66231 How do I Set up a Military Standard 1553 serial bus decode?
For doing Military Standard 1553 bus decode Tektronix recommends using a DPO/MSO/MDO 2000 or higher series oscilloscope. This feature can be purchased as a module or option key on any of these types of oscilloscopes. Start by turning it on the bus …64776 How do I run a Signal Path Compensation (SPC) on an DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series oscilloscope?
Signal Path Compensation (SPC) should be run anytime you are getting DC offsets in your signals, or your scope has moved locations and might have changed temperature, or if it's been more then a month since your last SPC. This is a standard procedure …64681 How can I change the TekVISA Instrument descriptor “device name” used to identify the oscilloscopes to which I routinely connect?
Open TekVISA V4.0.0+ OpenChoice Instrument Manager by selecting Start -> All Programs -> TekVISA -> OpenChoice Instrument Manager.Select (highlight) the Instrument descriptor listed in the Instruments list for the connected Oscilloscope.Click the …66181 How do I use the Save and Recall functionality of the MDO4000 series oscilloscope?
To save a screen image, go to the Save/Recall menu at the bottom of the scope. From there select the Save Screen Image softkey. This will pop up a new window with saving options. Saving a screen image requires an external memory device, such as a USB …69156 How do I set up a USB bus decode?
First you must have the USB module or option key that enables USB decoding for your scope as well as proper probes. For help finding the right probe use our probe selector tool. When you go into the bus option you must select USB and then make sure …64726 When running SPC (signal path compensation) on my oscilloscope, I get the message that SPC failed. What does failing SPC indicate?
When an oscilloscope says SPC failed, 99.9 percent of the time it is a hardware failure that will need repair. A few things you can do before sending in for repair: Make sure all inputs (probes and cables) are removed from all the channel inputs …59621 I downloaded and Installed OpenChoice Desktop, but it doesn't recognize my scope.
Refer to the Prerequisites.txt file available to download on the same page for OpenChoice desktop. Make sure you have all the prerequisites specified. Prerequisites 1. PC equipped with Microsoft Windows 7 32 Bit and 64 Bit OS, Windows 8.1 32 Bit …474266 What feature does the DPO4BND included?
DPO4BND includes the features for the following modules …72101 Which probes are compatible with oscilloscopes with the TekVPI probe interface?
There are a couple different types of TekVPI interfaces, one with a notch and one without. The notch was implemented later and was put in place because the front end was designed differently and communicates uniquely with those types of probes …56226 How do I save and load a reference waveform to a DPO/MSO3000 series oscilloscope?
This Video will explain how to setup, save and load a reference waveform. It can be done through a USB flash drive or by internal memory. This method for using reference waveforms can be applied to all MSO/DPO2000, MSO/DPO3000, MSO/DPO/MDO4000 …64641 My Tektronix oscilloscope uses the Linux operating system. Where do I get a copy of the linux open source code as stated in the GNU Lesser General Public License notice?
For our Linux based instruments or programs licensed under the “GNU General Public License (GPL) or Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL)” the complete corresponding sources are available. You can order a complete machine-readable copy of the …64866 How do I set up a I2C Bus Decode?
The procedure to set up a I2C bus decode and trigger is simple once you understand the basics. First you have to have the correct module or scope option. Second make sure your signal is on screen and taking up as much of the DAC as possible with good …64756 How do I clear my memory using TekSecure on a MSO/DPO/MDO4000 Series oscilloscope?
This procedure for clearing the memory on oscilloscope can be applied to the DPO/MSO/MDO4000, DPO/MSO3000 and DPO/MSO2000 Series oscilloscope families. By clearing the memory you will lose all saved reference waveforms, saved setups and all other …64686 What probe interface does my oscilloscope have?
Oscilloscope series Probe interface CSA7000/CSA7000B TekConnect DPO2000 TekVPI DPO3000 …64251 Can the P6316, P6516, or P6616 logic probes be used interchangeably?
The simple answer is no they can't be used interchangeably. The front end of the logic channels are different so different logic probes are needed between the scopes. For MSO2000/B, MSO3000, and MDO3000 Series oscilloscopes, only the P6316 logic …59166 Can the P6139B be used on scopes that shipped with a P6139A? What is the difference between the P6139A and the P6139B?
From a specifications perspective, the probes are identical. Both are 500 MHz, 10X passive probes. The P6139B can be used on oscilloscopes that shipped with the P6139A. From a mechanical perspective, there are some differences: - Sharper tip …58111 Can active probes with TekProbe interface (such as a P6205) be used on the DPO4000B or MSO4000B series scopes?
Yes. A TPA-BNC adaptor is required for people to connect legacy TekProbe interface probes to the new TekVPI interface. The adapter works on any TekVPI scopes inlcuding the MSO/DPO/MDO4000/B/C, MSO/DPO/MDO3000 MSO/DPO2000/B or MSO/DPO5000/B or …60416 Will the P6516 Logic Probe work on my MSO4000B, MDO4000B and MDO4000C Series oscilloscopes?
The P6516 logic probe was only used with the original MSO4000 series. For the subsequent MSO4000B, MDO4000B and MDO4000C Series oscilloscopes, the P6516 was replaced by the P6616 logic probe. The P6616 logic probe will not work on the original …246206 When should I run SPC?
Signal Path Compensation (SPC) can be run at any time. The best times to run SPC are: After the oscilloscope has been powered on and has warmed up for 20 minutes or more. If the temperature has changed more than 5 degrees C since the last SPC was …60156 Programing - How do I get a Screen Capture from DPO4000 scope using Python?
There are a few things that are needed for programming with an oscilloscope. First it's important to have a copy of your oscilloscopes Programmers manual. This can be found be searching for manuals on Tek.com and specifying Programmers manual in the …64791 Do the existing MSO/DPO/MDO4000/B Series application modules work with the MDO4000C?
Yes, almost all work from all legacy MSO/DPO/MDO4000/B series scopes. The only one that has some requirements is the MDO4TRIG which requires a spectrum analyzer option MDO4SA3 or MDO4SA6 be installed on your MDO4000C before RF triggering capabilities …72146 Do you have a detailed application note on how to use DPO/MSO4000B Series Oscilloscopes for debugging embedded systems+ serial signals+ power designs+ and general purpose design applications?
Please see the MSO4000B / DPO4000B Series Lab Exercise Book for more details. This lab manual states many walk through labs that will help you under many aspects of how to use the oscilloscopes. Just download the attached lab manual. Note: Many …58161 The data sheet for my oscilloscope says that the vertical input sensitivity is 1 mV/div to 10 V/div in 1 MΩ mode. But I turn the Vertical Scale control fully clockwise and I can only get down to 10 mV/div. What am I doing wrong?
You probably aren't doing anything wrong. But you do have a 10X probe attached to that channel, right? The 1 mV/div specs relate to the oscilloscope inputs. If the signal’s source impedance is relatively low (<< 1 MOhm), the signal’s frequency is …58571 What is the difference between Position and Offset on an oscilloscope?
To answer this first you need to understand the layout of how your waveform trace is displayed. On your oscilloscope you generally will see either 8 or 10 divisions vertically on the screen. Along the left side of the screen you will see a marker …247211 Programing - How to get and plot a waveform from DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series scope in Python
There are a few things that are needed for programming with an oscilloscope. First it's important to have a copy of your oscilloscopes Programmers manual. This can be found be searching for manuals on Tek.com and specifying Programmers manual in the …64796 Can my oscilloscope operate on 400Hz power?
Most scopes have a wide range of operating voltages and frequencies, a full list can be found in the user manual of your specific oscilloscope. If you're having trouble finding your answer or can't find the manual, please call our Technical Support …63266 Companies such as National Instruments and LeCroy sell USB-to-GPIB adapters. How do their adapters compare to the TEK-USB-488?
The products from National Instruments (GPIB-USB-B or GPIB-USB-HS) and LeCroy (WS-GPIB) are USB host to GPIB device adapter. These would be used for instruments that have a GPIB interface with controllers that have a USB port. The TEK-USB-488 was …56456