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KickStart Instrument Control Software Version 2.6.0 (Windows 10, 8, 7 compatible)
版本: 2.6.0发布日期:
软件类型: 应用部件号: KICKSTART-2.6.0
此软件适用于: 2000 0, 2010, 2100 100, 2100 120, 2100 220, 2100 230 240, 2110 100, 2110 120, 2110 220, 2110 240, 2220 30 1, 2220G 30 1, 2230 30 1, 2230G 30 1, 2230G 30 3, 2230G 30 6, 2230G 60 3, 14696, 14691, 2281S 20 6, 2400, 2400 C, 2401, 2410, 2410 C, 2420, 2420 C, 2425, 2425 C, 2430, 2430 C, 2440, 2440 C, 2450, 2450 NFP 0, 2450 RACK 0, 2450 NFP RACK 0, 2460, 2460 NFP 0, 2460 RACK 0, 2460 NFP RACK 0, 2461, 2461 NFP, 2461 RACK, 2461 NFP RACK, 2470, 2601A, 2601B, 2601B-PULSE, 2602A, 2602B, 2604B, 2606B, 2611A, 2611B, 2612A, 2612B, 2614B, 2634B, 2635A, 2635B, 2636A, 2636B, 2651A, 2657A, 2700, 2701 0, 2750 0, 3706A 0, 3706A NFP, 6430, 6485, 6487, 6514, 6517B, DAQ6510, DMM6500, DMM7510, DMM7510 NFP, DMM7510 RACK, DMM7510 NFP RACK, DPO3012, DPO3014, DPO3032, DPO3034, DPO3052, DPO3054, DPO4014B, DPO4032, DPO4034, DPO4034B, DPO4054, DPO4054B, DPO4102B, DPO4102B L, DPO4104, DPO4104B, DPO4104B L, MDO3012, MDO3014, MDO3022, MDO3024, MDO3032, MDO3034, MDO3052, MDO3054, MDO3102, MDO3104, MDO32, MDO34, MDO4014 3, MDO4014B 3, MDO4024C, MDO4034 3, MDO4034B 3, MDO4034C, MDO4054 3, MDO4054 6, MDO4054B 3, MDO4054B 6, MDO4054C, MDO4104 3, MDO4104 6, MDO4104B 3, MDO4104B 6, MDO4104C, MSO3012, MSO3014, MSO3032, MSO3034, MSO3054, MSO4032, MSO4034, MSO4034B, MSO4054, MSO4054B, MSO4104, MSO4104B, MSO4104B L, TBS1022, TBS1032B, TBS1042, TBS1052B, TBS1052B EDU, TBS1052C, TBS1062, TBS1064, TBS1072B, TBS1072B EDU, TBS1072C, TBS1102, TBS1102C, TBS1104, TBS1152, TBS1152B, TBS1154, TBS1202B, TBS1202B EDU, TBS1202C, TBS2072, TBS2072B, TBS2074, TBS2074B, TBS2102, TBS2102B, TBS2104, TBS2104B, TBS2202B, TBS2204B, TDS1001, TDS1001B, TDS1001C SC, TDS1002, TDS1002B, TDS1002C SC, TDS1012, TDS1012B, TDS1012C SC, TDS2001C, TDS2002, TDS2002B, TDS2002C, TDS2004, TDS2004B, TDS2004C, TDS2012, TDS2012B, TDS2012C, TDS2014, TDS2014B, TDS2014C, TDS2022, TDS2022B, TDS2022C, TDS2024, TDS2024B, TDS2024C, TDS210, TDS220, TDS224, KICKSTARTFL BASE, KSPROMONL BASE, KICKSTARTFL-DL, KICKSTARTFL-DL-AN, KICKSTARTFL-DL-UP, KICKSTARTFL-DMM, KICKSTARTFL-DMM-AN, KICKSTARTFL-DMM-UP, KICKSTARTFL-HRMA2, KICKSTARTFL-HRMA2-AN, KICKSTARTFL-HRMA2-UP, KICKSTARTFL-IVC-AN, KICKSTARTFL-IVC-UP, KICKSTARTFL-PS, KICKSTARTFL-PS-AN, KICKSTARTFL-PS-UP, KICKSTARTFL-SCOPE, KICKSTARTFL-SCOPE-AN, KICKSTARTFL-SCOPE-UP, KICKSTARTFL-SUITE-AN, KICKSTARTFL-SUITE-UP, KICKSTARTNL ACT1, KICKSTARTNL-ACT3, KICKSTARTNL-ACT5
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