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Engineer using a 4 Series B MSO oscilloscope with motor drive analysis software to analyze the 3-phase output of a motor drive used in an electric vehicle
Bringing More Power Analysis Tools to Engineers’ Benches with the 4 Series B MSO Thursday, July 18, 2024
It can be challenging to consistently measure the performance of AC-DC and DC-DC converters. These challenges have become even greater as designers work to transition from silicon-based power converters to wide bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN). Designers of 3-phase systems such as motor drives face additional complexity. Thankfully, help is available …
Low frequency response curves with AC coupling or DC reject turned on, for different types of probes
Probe Points: Understanding Low Frequency Response Friday, June 28, 2024
The Practice of AC Coupling and DC Reject Modes The practice of AC coupling the scope input or using a probe with DC reject capability is very common when looking at noise and/or ripple of DC power rails. Anytime there is insufficient DC offset available, then users often elect to use AC Coupling or DC Reject settings. With the focus on clean power, we see users more interested than ever before in …
Tektronix’ Wide Bandgap Double Pulse Test Solution including the Wide Bandgap Double Pulse Test application (Opt. WBG-DPT) which runs on the 5 Series B MSO oscilloscope
The Importance of Double Pulse Testing for Designing Today’s Power Converters Thursday, June 27, 2024
​The field of power electronics is rapidly transitioning from the use of silicon semiconductor materials to wide bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN). One of the most common applications of GaN and SiC semiconductors is to enable smaller, faster and more efficient designs of power converters. Power converters operate at multiple stages throughout the power …
Tektronix power rail measurement with Passive Probes (below) and Power Rail Probes (above)
Achieving Better Energy Efficiency in AI Data Centers With Power Integrity Testing Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Introduction Deployment of AI-based technology is happening in the Data Center. The processor-intensive servers are driving up energy demands. The table below illustrates the magnitude of the impact. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that data centers will account for up to seven percent of global electricity consumption by 2030; a number equivalent to the entire country of India’s …
A car charging station (EVSE)
What is EVSE? A Comprehensive Guide to Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Friday, April 26, 2024
As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to proliferate, understanding the infrastructure that supports them, particularly Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), or charging stations, becomes crucial. This guide explains what EVSE is, how it works, and why it's essential for the transition to electric mobility. After learning about EVSE, take the next step to learn about EVSE test and measurement …
Wideband Oscilloscopes for MIMO radar testing being used by and engineer.
MIMO 雷达系统测试工具和技术 Friday, March 1, 2024
多输入多输出 (MIMO) 等现代技术要求宽带宽、相位一致和多通道分析。MIMO 雷达系统中的天线元独立运行,可覆盖较宽(通常为 180 度)的视场,无需进行定向调整。因此,扫描时间显著缩短。MIMO 雷达利用时间、频率或编码技术,在接收器元素中对每个发射信号进行区分,从而提取目标属性。 宽带示波器,例如泰克 DPO70000SX 或 MSO/DPO70000DX 系列示波器,专为实现宽带宽和相位一致而设计,因此是一种理想的仪器。它支持中心频率、频谱宽度和分辨带宽 (RBW) 等参数的独立设置,与用于多通道控制和分析的 SignalVu VSA 5.3 软件版本配合使用,所得测试系统便是验证 MIMO 相控阵雷达的绝佳选择。对于获取可能具有不同中心频率、时隙或调制参数的信号,独立设置非常必要。 用于频谱分析的脉冲统计数据 TDM MIMO 雷达为每个元素分配一个时隙。对于每个通道的信号 …
5 Series Low Profile Oscilloscope Diagram
3 Things to Consider When Synchronizing Oscilloscopes for Higher Channel Count Tuesday, January 16, 2024
When constructing a test system, there might be a need to measure more signals than a single oscilloscope can capture with its available channels. To increase the number of oscilloscope channels in a test system, a common approach is to combine multiple oscilloscopes. Multi-channel measurements find application in various scenarios, such as capturing complex particle physics experiments, measuring …
Tektronix 475A Analog Oscilloscope
什么是模拟示波器? Wednesday, December 6, 2023
简介 想象一下,用模拟示波器这种经得起时间考验的工具来诊断复杂的电子问题。本文将带您了解这种不可或缺仪器的发展历程,从其历史根源到现代应用。虽然模拟示波器已不再生产,但我们的数字示波器可以读取模拟信号。 查看数字示波器> 历史背景 模拟示波器源于20世纪初阴极射线管 (CRT) 的发展。这些最初的设备被称为阴极射线示波器,标志着电子波形可视化的起源。自20世纪40年代问世以来,模拟示波器经历了重大发展,改变了电子信号的分析和解释方式。这一历史性进步对于电子测试和研究的发展至关重要,为现代电子学奠定了基础。 了解模拟示波器 模拟示波器以图形表示电信号,将电压转换为可视格式显示在屏幕上。这种转换利于观察电信号的行为(如频率、振幅和失真),可帮助人们直观了解电子信号特性。 运行机制 阴极射线管是模拟示波器的运转核心,电子束在显像管上形成被测电信号的可见轨迹。这一过程包括: …
Alignment waveform used to find and remove skew for double pulse testing
A New Software Deskew Approach Accelerates Double Pulse Testing Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Accurate energy loss measurements are one of the key objectives of double pulse testing. Eliminating the timing skew between voltage and current probes is a critical step in making accurate power and energy measurements on an oscilloscope. The double pulse testing software (WBG-DPT), available on the 4 Series, 5 Series and 6 Series MSOs, includes a new deskew technology designed specifically for …