
与泰克代表实时聊天。 工作时间:上午 9:00 - 下午 5:00(太平洋标准时间)。









An RF engineer performing spectrum monitoring via a laptop PC while observing a radar system.
Capture Elusive RF Signals with Advanced Software for Handheld Spectrum Analyzers Tuesday, November 26, 2024
RF signals are more dynamic and unpredictable than ever, which presents new challenges for engineers. Even traditional vector spectrum analyzers struggle to capture transient or intermittent signals, leaving you without a complete picture of how your circuit or system is performing. Tektronix SignalVu-PC software now provides three advanced triggers enabling you to visualize, capture, and analyze …
Wideband Oscilloscopes for MIMO radar testing being used by and engineer.
MIMO 雷达系统测试工具和技术 Friday, March 1, 2024
多输入多输出 (MIMO) 等现代技术要求宽带宽、相位一致和多通道分析。MIMO 雷达系统中的天线元独立运行,可覆盖较宽(通常为 180 度)的视场,无需进行定向调整。因此,扫描时间显著缩短。MIMO 雷达利用时间、频率或编码技术,在接收器元素中对每个发射信号进行区分,从而提取目标属性。 宽带示波器,例如泰克 DPO70000SX 或 MSO/DPO70000DX 系列示波器,专为实现宽带宽和相位一致而设计,因此是一种理想的仪器。它支持中心频率、频谱宽度和分辨带宽 (RBW) 等参数的独立设置,与用于多通道控制和分析的 SignalVu VSA 5.3 软件版本配合使用,所得测试系统便是验证 MIMO 相控阵雷达的绝佳选择。对于获取可能具有不同中心频率、时隙或调制参数的信号,独立设置非常必要。 用于频谱分析的脉冲统计数据 TDM MIMO 雷达为每个元素分配一个时隙。对于每个通道的信号 …
Setting up a DPX density trigger box in frequency and amplitude
Separating RSA Facts from RSA Fiction Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Researchers, engineers, and technicians working on RF applications generally have a good grasp on the use and benefits of spectrum analyzers, whether they are traditional swept spectrum analyzers (TSA) or more modern vector signal analyzers (VSA). They understand the key specifications and principles of operation of these important RF instruments. However, sometimes they are puzzled by a slightly …
Spectrograms show spectral activity over time with amplitude indicated by color
Spectrogram Types: The Many Faces of the Spectrogram Tuesday, November 15, 2022
What is a Spectrogram A spectrogram is a graphic that shows the viewer how the frequency domain content (spectral content) of a signal or signals is changing or progressing over time. It consists of a collection of spectrum traces that are collected/processed over time and stacked next to each other, much like slices of bread in a loaf. While each individual spectrum trace would be on the “butter …
EMI application
Building Your Own EMI Troubleshooting and Pre-Compliance Kit Monday, October 17, 2022
Dylan Stinson, Product Marketing Manager at Tektronix, recently penned an article for the Interference Technology’s 2022 EMC Testing Guide: How to Build Your Own EMI Troubleshooting and Pre-Compliance Kit. We wanted to share some of the key insights here. Failing EMI/EMC compliance testing can certainly ruin a design engineer’s day. The costs and time delays associated with a failed test can add …
DPX Display
Overcoming 3 Challenges of Time and Frequency Correlated RF Measurements Thursday, June 16, 2022
Historically, engineers working with high-frequency signals have relied on spectrum analyzers to identify, characterize, and test the performance of their designs, devices, and systems. But these devices fall short when analyzing signals with an unpredictable time-related behavioral component. Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers (RTSAs), however, capture and store signals as a seamless …
A graphic user interface displaying FFT optimized vs Spectrum View.
How to Use Spectrum View for Easier, More Accurate Insights Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Efficient system analysis and debug relies on insights but correlating signals across multiple domains has traditionally been a painful, technically challenging process. It can be difficult to figure out why a system isn’t working as expected without precise, synchronized insight into both time and frequency domains. Spectrum View was created to solve that challenge. The 4, 5 and 6 Series MSO …
A graphic user interface displaying RF frequency trigger on wireless burst signal
Spectrum View: A New Way of Analyzing Signals Across Multiple Domains Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Analyzing Signals Across Multiple Domains There is increasing interference in the RF domain as we work to make IoT devices more powerful, consume less energy and have longer battery lives but still broadcast high-quality RF communication. From smart watches to heart rate sensors, the devices being designed today are getting smaller and smaller, which makes signal integrity more important than ever …
Radar emitting ships interact with each other
3 Radiation Hazards (RADHAZ) and How to Mitigate Risk Wednesday, September 8, 2021
If you are involved in military, aerospace or defense and have been around radar and communication systems, with high-power RF transmitters and high-gain antennas, you are probably aware of the many risks associated with Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) Hazards. RF emissions from these systems have the potential to cause catastrophic damage to operations and maintenance personnel, ordnance and …
Monitoring the wireless spectrum for interference
3 System Design Challenges with Spectrum Monitoring Tuesday, September 7, 2021
The wireless spectrum is a finite commodity that is tightly regulated, managed and shared by all nations, manufacturers and citizens, who risk being fined if they are caught operating outside of what's regulated or licensed. The presence of interference or other signals of interest creeping into one's band of wireless spectrum is a daily occurrence to some and is of great concern to many who may …