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    功率半导体双脉冲 测试分析
    引言 在汽车和工业应用中,由于硅基半导体性能的局限性, 功率电子中使用的半导体材料正逐渐从硅过渡到如碳 化硅(SiC)和氮化镓(GaN)这类宽禁带半导体。GaN 和SiC 支持更小、更快、更高效的设计。规制和经济压 力持续促使高压功率电子设计的效率提高。在空间受限 和/ 或移动应用(例如电动汽车)中,更小、更轻的设计 的功率密度优势尤为明显,而从系统成本降低的角度来 看,更紧凑的功率电子设备也普遍受到青睐。同时,随着 政府推出财政激励措施和更严格的能效规定,效率的重 要性日益增长。例如 …
    应用软件套装可以代替购买单独的选项,特别是想用示波器满足不同应用时。与单独购买多个选项相比,这些专门设计的套装: 价值更高,提供了更多功能,而成本要远远低于单独购买多个选项 购买多种功能,满足未来需求,或满足跨工程设计团队的需求,所以特别经济 包括面向关键应用和行业的经常组合的选项 一年订购费更低,可以每年灵活调整
    场定向控制 (FOC) 系统的实时 DQ0 分析
    目前,设计人员使用定制的嵌入式控制软件和其他硬件,利用 FPGA 进行场定向控制 (FOC) 来测量直接正交零 (dq0)。这是一项复杂且昂贵的任务。它需要访问控制器板上的探测点,这可能具有挑战性 [3]。 本文讨论了电机设计人员如何测量传感器和无传感器系统的 dq0 分量和合成驱动矢量。应用组合的 Clarke 和 Park 变换,以便与控制器电路行为相关联。设计人员可以使用 D 和 Q 分量直观地看到为给定电气输入生成的最佳扭矩。这些参数还能衡量电机的效率。借助示波器的光标功能,可将 …
    在阅读《深入了解示波器》介绍的概念后,您将能够初步了解示波器的基础知识和工作原理: 描述示波器的工作方式 描述各种示波器之间的差异 描述电气波形类型 了解基本示波器控制功能 进行简单的测量
    新一代示波器 - 3/4/5/6系列
    直接实现触控交互 这些新一代示波器拥有业内卓越的、真正专为触控设计的示波 器界面。您在手机或平板电脑上使用的同样直观的手势,也可 以在示波器高清大显示器上使用,而且手势在MDO 3 系列、 MSO 4 系列、MSO 5B 系列、MSO 6B 系列中是通用的。 轻触显示屏底部设置条中的标记,可以控制输入、触发和采集 …
    重新规划 5G 测量
    SignalVu 矢量信号分析软件提供了多种 RF 测量,可以用于泰克频谱分析仪和示波器,包括 MSO 6B系列和 DPO70000SX 系列示波器。SignalVu 5GNR 选项可以考查 5G 新无线 (NR) 物理层信号,确认 DUT 性能,确保满足 3GPP 测量规范。
    Tektronix Software Solutions for Remote Educational Lab Challenges
    With Tektronix software platforms like TekDrive and TekScope, students no longer need to be in the lab or classroom to get hands-on experience with oscilloscopes.  This application note discusses how TekDrive, TekScope, and other Tektronix software …
    4/5/6/6B 系列MSO示波器 简易使用说明
    随着汽车行业加快转向汽车以太网技术,全方位设计验证对保证多个ECU 之间的互操作能力和可靠运行至关重要。本应用指南介绍了汽车以太网、全双工通信、隔离主信号与从信号的需求、信号分隔测试方法,以及当前定向耦合器插入方法与泰克新型信号隔离方法比较。
    当今大多数电子设计都要求不同的供电电压才能正确 运行。事实上,一块电路内部许多元器件都要求多种 电压,特别是高度集成的片上系统及多种技术接口在 一起的微处理器设计。 由于许多因素,执行DC 低噪声纹波探头测量正变得 越来越困难,比如: 功率效率功能,如功率门和动态电压和频率定标或 DVFS 动态负载,拥有快速瞬态信号 串扰和耦合提高 开关稳压器,上升时间更快 这就产生了一个重要问题:面对所有这些挑战,怎样 才能保证系统的每个部分都获得正确的功率,来满足 其需求?
    了解 10BASE-T 和 100BASE-TX 以太网物理层的基本知识,帮助您排除总线问题或相关系统问题。 了解如何在配备以太网分析功能的示波器上使用自动解码、触发和搜索功能时设置和解释结果。  
    使用示波器调试USB 2.0问题
    了解USB 2.0物理层基础知识,以调试总线问题或系统问题。了解在配备USB 2.0总线分析功能的示波器上使用自动解码、触发和搜索功能时,怎样设置示波器,理解测试结果。
    引言 当今电 源设 计人 员面临 着 越 来 越 大的压 力,需 要 实现 90%、甚至更高的功率转换效率。推动这种发展趋势的 因素,包括延长便携式电子器件中的电池续航时间、物 联网以及对功耗更低的“更加绿色的”产品的需求。许 多设 计正在使 用 GaN 或 SiC 开 关 器 件 代 替 硅 FETs 和 IGBTs。一如既往,产品上市时间压力正不断推动着测试 速度加快(同时还要非常准确)。 4 系列 B MSO 提供了 FlexChannel® 输入及新型图形用 户界面 …
    使用8 通道示波器检验电源顺序
    本应用指南中使用的仪器是配备8 个FlexChannel® 输入的5系列混合信号示波器。每个输入可以测量一个高分辨率模拟信号,或者通过连接一只TLP058逻辑探头,来测量8 个数字逻辑输入。
    使用FlexChannel® 技术灵活配置示波器输入通道应对多总线系统调试
    本应用指南讨论了嵌入式系统设计人员在评估多总线系统时面临的挑战,以及怎样使用FlexChannel 输入通道克服这些挑战。 新型FlexChannel 输入通道可以使用范围广泛的探头,满足 测量多个不同信号的需求。 本应用指南讨论了嵌入式系统设计人员在评估多总线系统时面临的挑战,以及怎样使用flexchannel>
    了解和进行USB 2.0 物理层测试
    涉及USB 2.0设备设计、检测和验证的工程师每天都面临着加快新产品开发周期的压力。通过泰克完善的系列工具,设计人员可以迅速准确地执行USB实现者论坛组织(USB-IF)推荐的所有一致性测试。通用串行总线 (USB 2.0)是一种连接规范,它面向的是计算机外部连接的外设,以消除打开计算机机箱、为某些设备安装所需板卡的麻烦。对用户来说,USB标准设备意味着易用性、扩展能力和速度。USB 2.0 设备设计人员必须正确检定设计,验证是否满足行业标准,然后设备制造商才能在包装上贴上"通过认证"的USB …
    应用说明 旨在帮助产品设计师或EMC 工程师学习EMC和EMI 故障排除的基础知识 介绍了EMI 故障排除的3 步骤过程 概述了辐射和传导排放故障排除,包括设置提示 解释如何解释测量数据 描述了在测试过程中处理环境射频的技术 提供了几个使用时间相关波形和频谱的详细故障排除示例 该应用程序说明了如何使用内置数字下变频器和 频谱视图的4/5/6 系列混合信号示波器。这项专 利技术使您能够同时查看所有模拟信号的模拟和 频谱视图 …
    本应用指南介绍了同步多台示波器的方法,在阅 读本应用指南的过程中,您将了解到以下内容: 同步示波器时需要考虑的事项 示波器之间时序误差的成因 推荐的同步方法 多示波器软件的设置 本应用指南以泰克 4,5 和 6 系列 MSO 为例,说 明了多示波器同步的程序和原理。4,5 和 6 系列 MSO 支持任意型号示波器之间的同步,从而实现 更多通道的同步采集系统。 通道数量为何要求超过 4 个? 4 系列 B MSO 示波器是同系列产品中首个推出 6 …
    引言 提高垂直分辨率一直是示波器设计者的目标,因为工程师需要测量更精细的信号细节。但是,想获得 更高垂直分辨率并不只理论上增加示波器模数转换器(ADC)的位数就能实现的。泰克 4、5 和 6 系 列示波器采用全新的 12 位 ADC 和两种新型低噪声放大器,不仅在理论上提高分辨率,在实用中垂 直分辨率性能大大提升。这些颠覆式的产品拥有高清显示器和快速波形更新速率,并且实现更高的 垂直分辨率来查看信号的细节。 本文重点介绍泰克 4、5 和 6 系列 MSO …
    许多行业的工程师都使用自动化来扩展其测试仪器的功 能,而大多是选择免费的编程语言——Python 来完成。 作为适用于自动化的主要编程语言,Python 具备许多显 著优势: 多功能性 易于教学 代码可读性 广泛可用的知识库和模块 自动化包含两种主要使用情形: 模拟人类行为以自动化前面板并节省时间的例程,例 如自动化合规性测试。每次需要测试新零件时,工程师 不会呆坐在示波器前,添加相应的测量值并记下结果, …
    Enhance Productivity with HSI
    Faster waveform transfer from oscilloscope to PC is crucial for applications ranging from monitoring particle collisions in particle accelerators to neurological monitoring during surgeries. The need for near real-time data transfers has never been …
    Getting Started with HSI How-to Guide
    This how-to guide explores how HSI is revolutionizing the data transfer game for applications ranging from monitoring particle collisions in particle accelerators to neurological monitoring during surgeries.  
    TekScope PC Waveform Analysis Flyer
    TekScope software delivers the analysis capabilities of the latest Tektronix oscilloscopes to your PC. Analyze waveforms anywhere, anytime. This flyer explains how TekScope software helps with greater productivity, advanced analysis, multi-scope …
    6 Series B MSO Upgrade Guide
    Most of the features of the 6 Series B MSO are field-upgradable, including bandwidth, record length, arbitrary/function generator, logic channels, and protocol support. This fact sheet lists all available post-purchase upgrades.
    Automating Double Pulse Tests with Python
    Introduction Semiconductor materials used in power electronics are transitioning from Silicon to Wide Bandgap (WBG) semiconductors such as Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) due to their superior performance at higher power …
    Debugging CAN, LIN and FlexRay Automotive Buses with an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation on the physical layer and packet structures of CAN / CAN FD, LIN, and FlexRay buses, with a goal of providing just enough detail to help with …
    Optimizing Frequency Settling Time Measurements
    Frequency settling time is an essential measurement in the design and evaluation of RF synthesizers, programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, and more. This technical brief highlights the steps taken to reduce the noise/variation on a …
    How to Troubleshoot System Problems Using an Oscilloscope with I2C and SPI Decoding
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation on the physical layer and packet structures of I2C and SPI, with a goal of providing just enough detail to help with troubleshooting Explains how to set up decoding on …
    Debugging SENT Automotive Buses with an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation on the physical layer and packet structures of SENT, with a goal of providing just enough detail to help with troubleshooting Explains how to set up decoding on an …
    How Energy Trends and New Testing Requirements are Improving Power Conversion Efficiency
    The demand for efficient power is accelerating as electrification remains a key driver to reduce carbon emissions. Wide bandgap technologies such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are key enablers today to improve power …
    Testing High Power Semiconductor Devices from Inception to Market
    Introduction This primer examines the life cycle of a power semiconductor device and the tremendous variety of test and characterization activities and measurement challenges faced by the engineers involved in each stage throughout the cycle …
    Power Efficiency Trends in Industrial and Renewable Applications
    Introduction The demand for efficient power is increasing rapidly as digitization and electrification continue to drive productivity and environmental responsibility, respectively. The shift towards decarbonization is driving a change …
    MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Trade-In Promotional Offer
    Improve your measurement productivity with a new, state of the art oscilloscope. It is a great time to bring more capability to your bench and replace older oscilloscopes …
    Getting Started with C++ for Test Automation
    This guide will provide you with a source code file you can use to build a C/C++ project that will connect to your oscilloscope and save a screenshot to its local storage and send a copy to your local computer. The steps outlined here walks the …
    Using Frequency Response Analysis with an Oscilloscope
    Introduction Bode plots are commonly used in analyzing the frequency response of a system. They provide a graphical representation of magnitude and phase over a range of frequencies that can be used to analyze and understand the …
    Programming Interface Translator Technical Brief
    The PI Translator The PI Translator is a simple system. It acts as a "dictionary" that contains a list of legacy commands and their modern counterparts. In addition to direct translation, entries can be configured to alias to multiple modern …
    Measuring MDI Mode Conversion Loss for Automotive Ethernet Compliance
    Manufacturers are transitioning to automotive Ethernet for in-vehicle networks to support the data speed performance required for these new systems. To ensure that Ethernet equipment operates correctly in the automotive network, components like …
    Getting Started Controlling Instruments with VISA
    Using the Virtual Instrumentation Software Architecture (VISA) library you can write programs and scripts to control instruments across all of the common physical interfaces available on test instrumentation. This guide shows how to get started using …
    Getting Started with Oscilloscope Automation in C#
    Automating test instrumentation enables consistent test methodology, repeatable measurement results, time savings and reduced risk of human error.  Using easily integrated third-party libraries, C# is an excellent choice for automated test …
    DQ0 Analysis with Oscilloscopes
    Direct quadrature zero (dq0) parameters are important variables in field-oriented control algorithms, but typically exist deep within the control systems. During design optimization and debugging it is advantageous to make these parameters available …
    Spectrum View: A New Approach to Frequency Domain Analysis on Oscilloscopes
    Debugging embedded systems often involves looking for clues that are hard to discover just by looking at one domain at a time. The ability to look at time and frequency domains simultaneously can offer important insights. Mixed domain …
    Double Pulse Testing Power Semiconductor Devices with a 5 or 6 Series MSO with Built-in Arbitrary Function Generator
    This application note is based on tests developed by Qorvo application engineering using a Tektronix 6 Series MSO. A 5 Series MSO can also be used. The operation of the two instruments is identical, although the 6 Series MSO …
    Understanding RF Spectrograms and Spectrogram Types
    This technical brief explains what a spectrogram is, and the different types of spectrograms (discontinuous and continuous) along with the relative strengths of each type. Spectrograms from real-time spectrum analyzers, vector signal analysis …
    Power Distribution Network and Power Rail Measurement Solution
    Learn about our most popular oscilloscope-based solution for power distribution and power integrity analysis. It combines a 5 or 6 Series MSO oscilloscope with software and probes into a single orderable line item. This high-performance set-up …
    Validating MIPI C-PHY Bus Activity
    Read our application note on MIPI C-PHY decoding.  After a brief overview of the physical layer and packet structures of C-PHY, you'll learn how to set up decoding, interpret serial bus data, and useful searching options on an offline Tektronix …
    Expand the Analysis Capability of Your Oscilloscopes with TekScope PC Analysis Software
    TekScope PC Analysis Software provides a very flexible environment for waveform visualization, advanced measurements, serial protocol decode of a wide variety of buses, and many analysis tools. This application note discusses how TekScope PC Software …
    Electric Vehicle (EV) Powertrain Analysis and Troubleshooting Flyer
    Tektronix oscilloscopes, probes and analysis tools combine to provide a comprehensive solution for debugging and validating electric vehicle traction inverters and motors.  Learn about an ideal system for EV powertrain measurements with this 2-page …
    5G NR Multi-Channel System Troubleshooting
    5G systems rely on a combination of digital, analog and RF signals. Being able to analyze signals across multiple domains is critical to finding interference, glitches, spurs, drop-outs, and other errors.  Our white paper takes you through a typical …
    Applying Pre-Compensation to Flatten Response
    When generating wideband signals, minor impedance discontinuities in the interconnect cables can affect the amplitude and phase flatness. At the same time, as signal frequencies increase, they can be subject to the analog bandwidth and sinx/x rolloff …
    Getting Started with Oscilloscope Automation and Python
    Engineers across many industries use automation to extend the capabilities of their oscilloscopes, and many engineers are using Python. The free programming language Python has significant advantages for …
    Making Measurements on 3-Phase Motor Drives with an Oscilloscope
    This primer describes methods for making measurements using inverter, motor and drive analysis software on oscilloscopes to provide stable, accurate electrical measurements on the inputs, DC buses, and outputs of variable frequency …
    MIPI Debug and Conformance Testing Challenges and Solutions
    TekDrive Collaborative Data Workspace Flyer
    TekDrive is a collaborative data workspace that provides an oscilloscope-to-cloud software solution for instant data sharing and recall on an oscilloscope, PC, phone, or tablet.  This document highlights how TekDrive helps you stay productive while …
    Measuring the Control Loop Response of a Power Supply Using an Oscilloscope
    Most power supplies and regulators are designed to maintain a constant voltage over a specified current range. To accomplish this goal, they are essentially amplifiers with a closed feedback loop. An ideal supply needs to respond …
    Effective Measurement of Signals in Silicon Carbide (SiC) Power Electronics Systems
    Introduction After years of research and design, Silicon Carbide (SiC) power devices are rapidly being designed into a variety of power electronics applications. The shift from silicon to SiC is driving new energy …
    Software for the Education Lab
    Reliable and easy-to-use software to enhance the remote education experience Tektronix offers a range of efficient and intuitive remote education solutions that combine with our oscilloscopes, DMMs, data acquisition systems, or other …
    Comparing the Traditional Oscilloscope FFT to Spectrum View Spectrum Analysis for Measuring Power Supply Control Loop Frequency Response
    New Tektronix oscilloscopes incorporate spectrum analysis using digital downconverters in each channel. The resulting displays are called Spectrum View. Using Spectrum View to generate Bode plots for power supply control loop frequency response …
    Characterizing Self-Generated EMI for Wireless and IoT Products with 4, 5 or 6 Series MSO Oscilloscopes
    Introduction An increasing number of manufacturers are adding or retrofitting wireless technology into new or existing products. The products that are benefiting include mobile, household, industrial, scientific, and medical devices …
    Verifying ESD Simulator Performance Using an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Is intended to help designers verify the shape of current pulses from ESD simulators prior to compliance or precompliance testing Covers some basic theory on ESD Describes a basic testing system for ESD simulators …
    Troubleshooting ESD Failures Using an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Is intended to help designers learn troubleshooting techniques for ESD compliance failures Covers some basic theory on ESD Describes a basic testing system for ESD troubleshooting, including an H …
    Advanced Radar Analysis: Tools for Measuring Modern Radar Application Note
    Introduction In designing modern electronic warfare and radar systems, you face significant challenges. You must develop solutions with the flexibility and adaptability required for next-generation threat detection and avoidance. To succeed, you …
    Rohde & Schwarz RTP Series vs. 6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    Oscilloscope Performance Specs Tektronix 6 Series B MSO ✔ 10 GHz & 50 GS/s on two channels     10 GHz & 25 GS/s on four channels ✔ Up to 64 digital channels (500MHz …
    Rohde & Schwarz RTO2000 Series vs. 6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    This fact sheet compares important specifications and features of the Tektronix 6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope to those of the Rohde & Schwarz RTO2000 Series.
    Keysight S-Series vs. 6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    Oscilloscope Performance Specs Tektronix 6 Series B MSO ✔ 10 GHz & 50 GS/s on two channels     10 GHz & 25 GS/s on four channels ✔ Up to 64 digital channels (500MHz …
    Keysight MXR Series vs. 6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    Oscilloscope Performance Specs Tektronix 6 Series B MSO ✔ 10 GHz max BW & 50 GS/s max SR ✔ 10 GHz & 25 GS/s on four channels ✗ 5 GHz & 12.5 GS/s on eight channels ✔ …
    LeCroy WavePro HD Series vs. 6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Comparison
    Oscilloscope Performance Specs Tektronix 6 Series B MSO ✔ 10 GHz & 50 GS/s on two channels     10 GHz & 25 GS/s on four channels ✔ Up to 64 digital channels (500MHz …
    Using Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes to Find and Diagnose Jitter Caused by Power Integrity Problems
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Describes the connection between signal integrity, specifically jitter, and power integrity Gives a brief review of jitter measurements and terminology, including eye diagrams and jitter …
    Jitter Testing for 1000BASE-T Ethernet Compliance Application Note
    This Application Note Describes test fixtures and test modes for jitter tests Explains types of jitter tests Details the procedure for jitter testing with an exposed clock 10BASE-T, 100BASE-Tx and …
    Working Remotely with Tektronix Oscilloscopes Running the Windows Operating System
    There are several approaches you can take to work remotely with Tektronix oscilloscopes. The available techniques differ somewhat between instruments that run the Windows operating system and instruments that do not. This guide will …
    Working Remotely with Tektronix Oscilloscopes
    There are several approaches you can take to work remotely with Tektronix oscilloscopes. The available techniques differ somewhat between instruments that run the Windows operating system and instruments that do not. This guide is designed to help …
    EMI Troubleshooting with the Latest-Generation Oscilloscopes
    Introduction EMI/EMC regulations help to ensure reliable operation and safety for users of electrical and electronic equipment. Regulations limit the allowable radiated emissions …
    Automated Compliance Testing of MIPI D-PHY Physical Layer
    The MIPI Alliance has defined tests to ensure that MIPI D-PHY transmitter designs conform to MIPI standards.  D-PHY compliance testing is usually performed using an oscilloscope and may be automated to speed up testing, reduce errors and simplify …
    Decoding and Searching MIPI I3C Bus Activity with an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation on the physical layer and packet structures of I3C with the goal of providing just enough detail to help with troubleshooting Explains how to set up decoding on an oscilloscope …
    Automated Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Measurements
    Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) is a popular signaling system for applications requiring high speed data transfers using low power. This application note explains the basic elements of LVDS signaling, details measurements based on an …
    Making Higher Accuracy Oscilloscope Measurements
    Introduction One of the most important functional blocks in a digital oscilloscope is the analog-to-digital converter or ADC. This technical brief explains why ADC resolution (number of bits) has become a more important consideration in …
    Physical Layer Compliance Testing for 1000BASE-T Ethernet
    Engineers designing or validating the 1000BASE-T Ethernet physical layer on their products need to perform a wide range of tests, quickly, reliably and efficiently. This application note describes the tests that ensure …
    Measuring Power Supply Switching Loss with an Oscilloscope
    Introduction With the demand for improving power efficiency and extending the operating time of battery-powered devices, the ability to analyze power loss and optimize power supply efficiency is more critical than ever …
    Ensuring the Performance and Conformance of In-Vehicle Networks for New-Generation Automobiles
    When comparing past, present and future automobiles, one trend is clear: cars have become data centers on wheels. Within each vehicle, the volume of data from safety systems, onboard sensors, navigation systems, and so on and the reliance on that …
    Characterizing and Troubleshooting Jitter with Your Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation of simple timing analysis measurements on clock signals Explains how to interpret timing and jitter measurements Gives examples of measurements on non-modulated clocks …
    Probing Techniques for Accurate Voltage Measurements on Power Supplies with Oscilloscopes
    This application note describes considerations and techniques for making accurate voltage measurements on power converters with an oscilloscope, especially as they relate to probe selection and application. It includes two examples for …
    Using FastFrame Segmented Memory on the 4/5/6 Series MSO
    Introduction Debug and verification of complex systems present many technical challenges, including capturing and visualizing multiple infrequent or intermittent events, such as serial data packets, laser pulses, and glitches …
    Visual Triggers: Graphical Methods for Capturing Bursts and Other Complex Signals on Oscilloscopes
    Visual triggers allow you to build triggers by thinking in terms of wave shapes. This technical brief starts by explaining how to quickly capture bursts of specific length by drawing boxes on an oscilloscope display. It then describes how to apply …
    In-circuit Measurement of Inductors and Transformers with an Oscilloscope
    THIS APPLICATION NOTE Reviews the basic theory of inductors and transformers, especially as it relates to in-circuit measurements Explains how to use an oscilloscope and appropriate probes to measure inductor and transformer …
    Measuring Digital Clock Stability and Jitter with an Oscilloscope
    Introduction Clocks are the heartbeats of embedded systems, providing timing references and synchronization between components, subsystems,and entire systems. Incorrect clock signal amplitudes and timing can prevent reliable …
    Debugging SPMI Power Management Buses with an Oscilloscope
    Introduction Increasingly, mobile devices and other portable designs are adopting System Power Management Interface (SPMI) protocol for multimaster, multi-slave systems to monitor and dynamically control supply voltages based on real …
    Making Accurate Current Measurements on Power Supplies with Oscilloscopes
    This application note describes considerations and techniques for making accurate current measurements on power converters using an oscilloscope and a current probe. When used in conjunction with an oscilloscope’s voltage measurements …
  • 观看三相电源系统演示,了解 5 或 6 系列 B MSO 示波器精确测量开关电源转换器和控制电路性能的能力。使用差分探头和三相逆变器/电机驱动分析软件,可以在宽电压和电流范围内进行高带宽测量。
    时长: 3:24
    Control your oscilloscope and analyze your measurements at home.  Learn how to connect to a 5 Series B MSO remotely, save measurements, and analyze waveforms on your PC.
    时长: 04:32
    Being able to see the frequency content of a signal is extremely useful for troubleshooting.  Being able to see multiple channels of spectrum analysis, synchronized with signals in the time domain …
    时长: 4m 55s
    自动驾驶和互联车辆正在推动更高速度的车载网络。我们提供的视频演讲和课件对最新的 汽车多比特以太网(10Gbps)符合性测试 的新测量要求进行了深入探讨,探讨了MultiGBASE-T1(IEEE 802.3ch)的测试案例,以及工程师在测试设置和执行期间可能遇到的陷阱。除了符合性测试,还将介绍系统级噪声测试,使用非侵入式的信号分离方法,对100BASE-T1进行协议解码和信号完整性分析。 …
    时长: 55m 37s
    What's the big deal with low noise? We talked to our engineers about how they achieved ground-breaking noise performance in the 6 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope.
    Learn how to use the eScope function to remotely control a Tektronix oscilloscope over a network without any special software. This video shows how to find the IP address of the scope and use a …
    时长: 2:14
    If you're doing mixed frequency/time domain work, Spectrum View makes it easy. Learn how to set up 5 and 6 Series MSOs to display synchronized time and frequency domain views on multiple channels …
    Watch this short demo of RF vs Time hardware trigger to see how an ASK (Amplitude Shift-Keying) signal changes over time.  The Spectrum View capability on the 4, 5 and 6 Series MSO oscilloscopes …
    时长: 3:16
    See how to stabilize a hardware trigger on the up-down chirp pattern of a spread spectrum clock using a Frequency Deviation vs. Time trigger.  The Spectrum View capability on the 4, 5 and 6 Series …
    时长: 2:14
    在检查电源控制环路的增益和相位裕量后,我们可以监测电源对阶跃负载变化的响应,观察控制环路的效果。在本例中,示波器内置函数发生器的脉冲输入到Picotest有源电流注入器中,对电源需求应用阶跃变化。 信号源: 任意波形/函数发生器 (内置到6系列MSO中) Picotest PJ2111A电流注入器 配置: 6系列MSO示波器
    时长: 01:38
    用实例说明怎样确定EMI滤波稳定性和米德尔布鲁克准则。 米德尔布鲁克准则是确定开关式电源的输入滤波器是否导致不稳定性,或使电压编程DC-DC转换器开关式电源性能参数劣化的一种标准。 信号源: 任意波形/函数发生器 (内置到6系列MSO中) 台式电源 Picotest J2121A High Power线路注入器 配置: …
    时长: 03:13
    本视频介绍了怎样使用配有控制环路响应测量功能的示波器,测量电源控制环路的频响(波特图)。 波特图是系统的频响图,表征不同频率中的增益和相位。 调制信号被注入到反馈环路中,然后可以确定调制信号和控制环路输出比例,计算增益,再按时间进行对比,找出相位。 信号源: 任意波形/函数发生器 (内置到6系列MSO中) Picotest J2101A注入变压器 配置: …
    时长: 01:39
    用实例说明怎样使用时域反射计(TDR)测量电缆和PCB轨迹的阻抗和长度,以及印刷电路板的介电常数和故障位置。您将看到多个实例,来说明阻抗差异和不匹配所产生的效应。 此外,您将看到怎样使用TDR使用的同样的快速边沿,来迅速检查电缆和连接的平坦度。 配置: 10 GHz 6系列MSO示波器,测量响应 Picotest Fast Edge信号发生器(32 ps典型值)及标配10 …
    时长: 05:42
    这个视频用实例说明了在对电感器应用1 A DC偏置电流时,怎样使用线路注入器和示波器测量频率相关电感。 电源在输入滤波器和输出滤波器中都有电感器。这些元件的有效电感在高工作电流时会明显下降,导致纹波和EMI提高。使用DC偏置进行测试,可以帮助您了解电感器的在线性能。 信号源: 任意波形/函数发生器 (内置到6系列MSO中) 台式电源 Picotest …
    时长: 01:49
    用实例说明怎样使用示波器测量电源抑制比,在本例中是线性稳压器。 电源抑制比或电源纹波抑制(PSRR)是衡量电路的电源抑制性能的指标,用输出噪声与输入噪声的对数比表示。 信号源: 任意波形/函数发生器 (内置到6系列MSO中) 台式电源 Picotest J2120A线路注入器 配置: 6系列MSO示波器 负载: DUT的输出上的DC负载
    时长: 01:34
    See how the RF vs Time hardware triggering capability (Spectrum View) on the 4, 5, and 6 Series MSO oscilloscopes can capture a low amplitude RF emission.  This video focuses on the low amplitude …
    时长: 4:23
    See how to track down the source of transient RF/EMI emissions with Spectrum View and the RF vs Time triggering capabilities. Clearly determine which PCB signals are causing EMI emissions so that …
    时长: 4:21
    An AWG70002B was used to create a pair of 20us wide RF pulse trains at 3.85GHz. One pulse train has a constant/unchanging phase – this is our reference and is applied to Ch1. The other pulse …
    时长: 3m 29s
    See how an edge trigger on the RF Frequency Deviation vs Time trace isolates and captures a short duration transient in the frequency of a clock signal.  The Spectrum View capability on the 4, 5 …
    时长: 1:55
    用实例说明怎样使用示波器和信号源,测量有源电源平面的毫欧级阻抗。 信号源: 任意波形/函数发生器 (内置到6系列MSO中) Picotest J2161A分路器 配置: Picotest J2102B共模同轴电缆变压器,用于隔离 6系列MSO示波器
    时长: 01:39
    用实例说明怎样测量VRM(稳压器)模块上的2端口并联阻抗。 电源平面阻抗是评估功率完整性最常用的指标,2端口并联传送方法则是评估中采用的黄金标准。为了在需要大的瞬态电流期间使电源轨道电压保持在极限范围内,毫欧级电源平面阻抗必不可少。 信号源: 任意波形/函数发生器 (内置到6系列MSO中) Picotest J2161A分路器 配置: 6系列MSO示波器 …
    时长: 01:48
    See the ultra-low noise performance of the TPR4000 Power Rail Probe, and how it can be used for measuring DC power rail noise in microvolts, especially when paired with the 6 Series MSO …
    时长: 0h 6m 15s
    The switching performance of power semiconductors is often characterized using double pulse tests. This testing is now being widely applied to GaN and SiC MOSFETs. This video explains how to use …
    时长: 7 minutes
    Wide Bandgap power devices (SiC and GaN) offer significant benefits and are smaller, faster and more efficient than their silicon counterpart. But they also present several validation challenges …
    时长: 24:07
    This video demonstrates Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) measurements using a 6 Series MSO oscilloscope.  (TDR measurements are also available on 4 and 5 Series MSOs.) Having TDR measurements on …
    时长: 7
    Watch this video to learn what's new in V1.4 of tm_devices - the Tektronix device management package that enables better control and usage of test & measurement devices in Python scripts.
    时长: 3m 47s
    Combining the power of Python and Tektronix oscilloscopes makes complex testing procedures more efficient, accurate and customizable. This short video shows how to use tm_devices, the Tektronix …
    时长: 2m 5s
    See how oscilloscopes such as the 6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal oscilloscope are enabled by advanced features of Tektronix SignalVu-PC software to provide RF spectral and modulation analysis across …
    时长: 5:08
    CAN XL is a third generation of CAN bus, designed to bridge gaps between existing CAN standards and higher data-rate standards such as Automotive Ethernet.  This short video shows how to set up …
    时长: 3m 45s
    Frequency settling time, an essential measurement in the design and evaluation of programmable oscillators, phase locked loop circuits, RF synthesizers and more, becomes much easier when the …
    时长: 14:12
    Watch a demonstration of 1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet) transmitter (Tx) testing with a disturber.  Gayland Pounder, Tektronix Application Engineer, uses TekExpress Automotive Ethernet software.  …
    时长: 6:38
    Having an arbitrary/function generator built into your oscilloscope is useful and convenient. Learn about the AFG outputs available in 2, 4, 5 and 6 Series MSOs.
    时长: 4m 56s
    Built-in logic analysis on mixed signal oscilloscopes expand visibility into digital systems. This video gives a quick overview of the logic probe, settings, triggering and searches.
    时长: 3m 4s
    Learn how the Advanced Power Supply Measurements and Analysis package for Tektronix oscilloscopes simplifies analysis of power conversion systems with automated power quality, harmonics, switching …
    时长: 7m 46s
    This video covers the basics of CAN bus decoding on Tektronix oscilloscopes as well as the setups for decoding, triggering and searching for specific values or conditions.
    时长: 5m 16s
    Making measurements on the PWM outputs of inverters and motor drives is challenging. Learn about automated 3-phase power measurement packages on 4, 5 and 6 Series B MSO oscilloscopes that deliver …
    时长: 7m 26s
    This video covers the basics of SPI bus decoding on Tektronix oscilloscopes as well as the setups for decoding, triggering and searching for specific values or conditions.
    时长: 5m 18s
    This video covers the basics of I2C bus decoding on Tektronix oscilloscopes as well as the setups for decoding, triggering and searching for specific values or conditions.
    时长: 5m 12s
    Watch a demonstration of 1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet) return loss testing.  Gayland Pounder, Tektronix Application Engineer, uses TekExpress Automotive Ethernet software.  Hardware includes a …
    时长: 4:40
    Watch a demonstration of 1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet) testing.  Gayland Pounder, Tektronix Application Engineer, uses TekExpress software to perform the testing.  Hardware includes a Tektronix …
    时长: 6:32
    Learn about the many types of RF analysis available on the 4, 5 and 6 Series MSOs, enabled by the patented integrated digital downconverters behind each channel. This overview touches on …
    时长: 1:51
    Customers across all industries and applications are using automation to extend the capabilities of their oscilloscopes.  Here we cover what you need to get started programming scopes in Python.  …
    时长: 31:09
    Watch this short video to learn about the new features in TekScope version 2.4, including TekScope Basic – a new free tier license, maintenance licenses, fast frames with improved support, a new …
    时长: 4m 39s
    See how you can get more insight to transient and dynamic behavior of the spectral content of your signals. Using the new spectrogram feature, an enhancement of the RF vs time option for Spectrum …
    时长: 7:15
    How to use Tektronix 4, 5 and 6 Series MSO oscilloscopes to decode and analyze Near Field Communications (NFC) wirelessly, using a near field probe and the RFNFC package on the instrument.
    时长: 6:02
    With electric vehicles (EVs) increasingly becoming mainstream, the industry must create a convenient and reliable EV charging network to ensure driving adoption. Watch as we discuss what's coming …
    时长: 26:18
    Gain new insights into the field of power electronics including market overviews and an overview of new device technologies from Dr. Ana Villamor, Team Lead Analyst for power electronics, Yole …
    时长: 28:44
    Hear an overview of SignalVu, Tektronix's RF and vector signal analysis platform. Tektronix' spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes combined with SignalVu uniquely allows you to view live spectral …
    时长: 00:12:51
    Power rail noise is one of the most significant sources of jitter in high-speed systems, phase noise in RF systems, and noise in A/D and D/A converters.  Semiconductor manufacturers are responding …
    时长: 27:30
    Watch as we discuss techniques for properly testing Silicon Carbide (SiC) devices.  We'll review considerations for creating a double pulse test setup.  We offer an overview of basic equipment …
    时长: 30:05
    Silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs are supplanting silicon IGBTs in the drivetrain inverter of battery electric vehicles. While today SiC claims only around 5% of the market, with the vast majority of …
    时长: 30:07
    A demonstration of 100BASE-T1 Automotive Ethernet protocol decoding on a 6 Series MSO oscilloscope.  This video shows how full-duplex 100BASE-T1 can be separated and decoded without breaking the …
    时长: 5:21
    Watch as panelists discuss emerging technologies and the feedback loop between signal integrity and power integrity. See how to combine jitter and power integrity analysis into a formidable tool …
    时长: 35:32
    Make extremely accurate power rail measurements using two Tektronix power rail probes, a Keithley DMM6500 touchscreen Digital Multimeter, and ultra-low-noise 6 Series mixed signal oscilloscope …
    时长: 0h 1m 46s
    See how RF design and validation engineers working on MIMO, phased-array and beam-forming systems can make fast, accurate pulse and phase measurements on as many as 8 channels using SignalVu-PC …
    时长: 4m 37s
    Learn how 5 and 6 Series MSO Mixed-Signal Oscilloscopes and the optional embedded serial bus analysis software provide unparalleled system visibility by decoding MIL-STD 1553 messages, triggering …
    时长: 0h 3m 14s
    Watch our Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope capturing multiple RF channels and performing RF analysis of radar pulses. Here we're taking advantage of the high-bandwidth and independent digital …
    时长: 57s
    Learn about our USB4 receiver testing solution which offers comprehensive coverage for compliance requirements outlined by the USB Implementers Forum or USB-IF to give you confidence that your …
    时长: 6m 24s
    Learn about the domain/zonal controllers and discuss what changes it will bring for in-vehicle network architectures, highlighting some of the testing challenges measurement requirements. 
    时长: 57:08
    When making radar measurements, it is critical to have  synchronous measurements by a single digitizer. Watch our short video in which Alex Krauska, Solutions Engineer, demonstrates making four …
    时长: 2m 12s
    MIPI alliance standards have been driving the adoption of newer features and higher data rates for emerging mobile applications.  Oscilloscope-based protocol layer validation enables isolating …
    时长: 31:33
    Automotive Ethernet with PAM3 introduces new test challenges. Tektronix' new, innovative, non-intrusive Signal Separation simplifies Automotive Ethernet testing and set-up, providing advanced …
    时长: 0h 8m 3s
    A demonstration of TekExpress Automotive Ethernet, an automated application, for Automotive Multigigabit Ethernet (IEEE802.3ch) Compliance Testing.
    时长: 6:56
    The 4, 5 and 6 Series MSO Oscilloscopes employ dedicated digital downconverters on all channels that operate independently of time-domain sample rate and record length and enables their Spectrum …
    时长: 29:31
    Watch this video learn about the new features in TekScope version 1.44, including RF analysis capabilities, added support for the MSO2000 and MSO2000B oscilloscopes, user interface improvements …
    时长: 8m 8s
    In this workshop, Tektronix Senior Applications engineer Alan Wolke demonstrates how to perform time correlated multi-domain signal analysis across multiple channels with the Tektronix 6 Series B …
    时长: 34:07
    This Picotest video gives a quick overview of the many power-related measurements that can be made using a Tektronix oscilloscope and Picotest accessories. Advanced power supply tests, such as …
    时长: 1m 49s
    Are you seeing ALL the noise from your power rails? Lee Morgan, Technical Marketing Manager in EMEA, demos one of our power integrity setups with a 6 Series MSO, our new Power Rail Probes, and an …
    时长: 0h 1m 27s
    This webinar compares different methods of untethering your instrument data from your bench. Accessing your data locally and remotely is discussed, from custom Python code to automatic cloud …
    时长: 46m 31s
    TekDrive is a file sharing platform for storing, sharing, and collaborating on waveform and analysis data in a much more convenient, efficient, secure, and useful way. In this webinar, you will …
    时长: 47m
    Watch as we demonstrate the use of digitizers having high signal integrity and software being used to reliably enable single shot and high-energy physics tests.
    时长: 41:56
    Webinar on applications and trends and solving problems making measurements in 5G MIMO using a scope for wideband analysis.  A demonstration shows time and frequency correlation for a power …
    时长: 35:33
    Watch how easy it can be to setup and analyze waveform behavior using the highly intuitive touch interface. Setting up your measurement and debugging your system has never been easier with the …
    时长: 1:51
    Tektronix Sr. Applications Engineer Alan Wolke leads a workshop on practical tips and techniques for Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes using the Tektronix 6 Series B MSO. - How to remotely access your …
    时长: 37:32
    Learn how to get optimal results from your power supply design by checking the power supply rejection ratio. This video covers how DC-DC  converters or low voltage drop-out regulators (LDOs) …
    时长: 0h 8m 55s
    Learn how to annotate test results and methods with “Callouts” for easily documenting important information when sharing data across a team, recreating a measurement at a later date, or delivering …
    时长: 1:42
    Learn how to quickly capture bursts just by drawing a couple of boxes, and how to apply logic and add more shapes to capture increasingly complex waveforms. See how visual triggers work on the 5 …
    时长: 4m 5s
    Watch how to easily change the font size used on your 4/5/6 Series MSO with just a few clicks. This will make it easier to read measurement values at a distance from your scope or maximize the …
    时长: 1:27
    Learn how fast waveform update rates help uncover intermittent signal anomalies, and advanced triggering and search techniques can determine how often they occur.   For more information on the new …
    时长: 2m 6s
    Learn how to configure and get started with SignalVu-PC software and 5 and 6 Series MSOs for vector signal analysis.
    时长: 2:42
    See how Spectrum View provides ease-of-use and the ability to achieve optimal views in both RF and Time domains simultaneously when analyzing the turn on behavior of a spread spectrum clock.  This …
    时长: 2:32
    TekScope PC software, combined with Tektronix oscilloscopes, makes it easy to log waveform data, waveform images and measurements on your PC.  Simply set the logging interval, count, and hit Start …
    时长: 5m 29s
    See how you can use TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) techniques to better understand power integrity issues and more quickly eliminate issues, like ripple, from your system designs.
    时长: 25:29
    See how Spectrum View's triggering functionality can be used together with the independent control of time and frequency domains to capture infrequent anomalies.  Additional videos: Spectrum View …
    时长: 7:19
    The 4, 5 and 6 Series MSO Oscilloscopes employ dedicated digital downconverters on all channels that operate independently of time-domain sample rate and record length. This enables their Spectrum …
    时长: 3:35
    For complex troubleshooting, Spectrum View is available on multiple channels.  With all Spectrum Time indicators locked and moving together you can see time correlated spectrums across all …
    时长: 4:56
    See how the pre-compensation feature found on Tektronix Arbitrary Waveform Generators can correct for the negative effects of cables, components, and fixtures on the amplitude and phase of high …
    时长: 6:05
    See how the 4, 5, and 6B Series of MSO oscilloscopes provide a platform for multichannel test and measurement of MIMO systems through extension of MATLAB® algorithms for analysis of channel …
    时长: 24:54
    Get tips on measuring sub-milliohm impedance on a board at low frequencies across surface mount capacitors. See how this VNA measurement is made using a Tektronix 6B Series MSO oscilloscope …
    时长: 15:36
    See how a 6 Series B MSO can display a decoded serial bus, analog waveforms, and digital timing information for a rich view of your systems. This video shows a decoded SPI bus.   For more …
    时长: 2:06
    This demonstration shows the very quick jitter summary on the 6 Series B MSO, which includes an eye diagram, TIE histogram and spectrum, and bathtub plot.   For more information on the new 6 …
    时长: 01:58
    Test automation may be used to check automotive Ethernet transmitters for compliance with the BroadR-Reach, 100BASE-T1 (P802.3bw), and 1000BASE-T1 (802.3bp) standards. This demonstration shows the …
    时长: 0h 4m 52s
    This demonstration shows the clean capture of a small detail with extremely low noise, even on a signal that spans hundreds of volts.   For more information on the new 6 Series B MSO visit here.
    时长: 01:54
    Watch this demonstration showing how the 6 Series B MSO oscilloscope offers the industry’s best solution for debugging with the ability to optimize fully correlated RF (spectrum) and time-domain …
    时长: 4:38
    Learn how to perform multi-domain signal analysis of 5G base station and user equipment systems.  See the benefits of using a mixed domain oscilloscope for analyzing RF amplifier performance.  …
    时长: 6:47
    See how MIMO analysis of RF, analog and digital can be performed simultaneously for easy analysis and correlation between both the frequency and time domain while addressing the unmet needs of the …
    时长: 51:53
    Watch to learn how you can simplify several 3GPP 5G New Radio transmitter tests. You’ll see how to verify transmitter characteristics including power, power dynamics, signal quality and RF …
    时长: 8:50
    This quick demonstration shows in real-time how phase relationships change based on the relative position of antennas. The phase-coherent digital downconverters (DDCs) in a 6 Series MSO …
    时长: 2:09
    Watch this video to learn about the new features in TekScope version 1.40, including continuous acquisition, license expiration notification, and IMDA-MECH and WBG-DPT in the pro automotive and …
    时长: 7m 19s