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产品技术资料 文献编号: 发布日期 AC/DC 电流测量系统
TCP300 和 TCP400 系列 AC/DC 电流测量系列是满足当今电流测量需要的非常先进的电流测量系统。当通过 TEKPROBE Level II、TekConnect(使用 TCA-BNC)或 TekVPI(使用 TPA-BNC)接口连接泰克示波器时,电流测量和计算变得轻松简单。60C-16458-12 A621和A622产品技术资料
60W-15081-3 TCP0150交流/直流电流探头数据表
51C-20815-3 30 A AC/DC 电流探头
51C-19042-9 TCP202直流耦合电流探头产品技术资料
51W-10736-7 TCP0020/TCP2020/TCP202A 交流/直流电流探头产品技术资料
51W-28098-0 AC Current Probes Datasheet
60W-12572-4 TRCP系列Rogowski电流探头
60C-60294-1 AC Current Probes
The P6021 and P6022 Current Probes provide versatile AC current measurements. Both probes provide accurate current measurements over a wide range of frequencies. The P6021 and P6022 allow current measurements without breaking the circuit by clipping …60W-06647-6
手册 手册类型 部件号: 发布日期 TCP0030A
120 MHz、30 Amp 交流/直流电流探头主要用户 077033001 China RoHS Supplemental, 071217907
Product Information Sheet for People's Republic of China Other用户 071217907 Tektronix Supplemental
Product Information Sheet for People's Republic of China Other用户 071329302 Tektronix Supplemental
Product Information Sheet for the People's Republic of China Other用户 071218105 TCP0030A
Current Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 077033000 TCP2020 & TCP0020
50 MHz, 20 Amp AC/DC Current Probes联合用户/服务 077033900 TCP0150
20 MHz, 150 A AC/DC Current Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 071225300 Tektronix Supplemental Product Information Sheet
People’s Republic of China Other用户 071217901 TCP0030
Current Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 071181400 TCP202型 参考
电流探棒联合用户/服务 070954303 Probes and Accessories Declassification and Security Instructions
Declassification and Security解密 071238400 A622 100 Amp AC/DC Current Probe Instructions
100 Amp AC/DC Current Probe User Manual主要用户 070888306 TCPA300/400 & TCP300A/400 Series
Amplifiers & AC/DC Current Probes主要用户 077118302 TCPA300/400 and TCP303/305A/312A/404XL
Amplifiers and Current Probes Compliance and Safety用户 071364301 TRCP0300, TRCP0600, and TRCP3000
Current Probes主要用户 077121300 AM503+ AM503A+ AM503B+ AM503S+ AM5030+ AM5030S Memory Information and Clearing
Click on this link to download the memory erasure information for AM503, AM503A, AM503B, AM503S, AM5030, AM5030S Current Probe Amplifiers解密 Power Measurement Deskew & Calibration Fixture Instructions
067-1686-03主要用户 071187203 Tektronix Supplemental, 071329504
Product Information Sheet for the People‚s Republic of China用户 071329504 Tektronix Supplemental, 071329304
Product Information Sheet for People‚s Republic of China用户 071329304 A621
1000 Amp AC Current Probe主要用户 070888205 A622 100 Amp AC/DC Current Probe
100 Amp AC/DC Current Probe Instructions主要用户 070888305 TCPA300/400 & TCP300A/400 Series
Amplifiers & AC/DC Current Probes (Revision B) Service Manual维修 077032301 CT-1 and CT-2
Current Transformer Instructions主要用户 070795702 TCP300 and TCP400 Series Instructions
AC/DC Current Probes Instructions用户 071118501 TCP202
15 Ampere AC/DC Current Probe主要用户 070954203 P6022
Current Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 070094805 P6021 User Manual
60 MHz Current Probe主要用户 070094707 TCP0150
20 MHz, 150 A AC/DC Current Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 071225100 TCPA300/400 & TCP300/400 Series
Amplifiers & AC/DC Current Probes Instruction Manual主要用户 071118303 TCP0030
Current Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 071181200 067-1478-00 Power Measurements Deskew Fixture
Power Measurements Deskew Fixture Instructions主要用户 071117501 TCP202 Instruction Manual
15 Ampere AC/DC Current Probe Instruction Manual联合用户/服务 070954202 TCPA300/400, TCP300/400 Instruction Manual
AC/DC Current Measurement Systems维修 071118400 P6022 Instruction Manual
Current Probe Instruction Manual联合用户/服务 070094803 TCP202 Reference
15 Ampere AC/DC Current Probe Reference用户 070954302 CT-6 High Frequency AC Current Probe
High Frequency AC Current Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 071045300
技术文档 文档类型 发布日期 探头ABC入门手册
With this on-line, interactive tool you can select by series, model number, or standards/application and fine tune your search with your specific testing requirements. The list of matching products will update with each click. Try it now at: www …白皮书 Tektronix 示波器附件选择指南
示波器探头相互参考, 无源探头, 有源探头, 差分探头和差分前置放大器, 电流探头, 高压探头和高压差分探头, 连接器和适配器, 光电转换器, 衰减器, 端接器和电缆, 仪器手推车/机架安装套件, 探头尖附件产品选择指南 《探头入门基础》手册下载
探头对示波器测量以及测量质量都是至关重要的,免费下载全新2012探头入门基础手册,你将更加清楚的知道如何为您的仪器选择合适的探头,以及一些探头使用的重要技术,技巧。入门指南 优化低功率测量的小贴士和技巧
了解电压探头、电流探头和示波器基本性能特点,并带有实际范例。技术简介 探头参考海报
测量精度开始在探针尖端。为了帮助您掌握艺术探索,我们已经整理了最常见的问题,这张海报的尺寸为11x17,打印简便,提供了多种探头技巧和技术,适合张贴在实验室或工作场所中。 下载从复制的提示如何选择正确的探头,探头的负荷,关于探头电力测量。海报 TekVPI(TM) 新型探头接口提供了杰出的通用性和简便易用性
通过推出一系列通用的、功能丰富、简便易用的新型TekVPI 探头,TekVPI (泰克通用探头接口)结构引入了下一代泰克探头接口结构。这些探头是为用于泰克最新一代DPO4000和中端DPO7000系列DPOTM示波器而设计的。技术简介 Double Pulse Testing Solution for Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductors
New power converter designs, built around SiC and GaN MOSFETs, demand careful design and testing to optimize performance. Double pulse testing (DPT) efficiently measures a range of important …宣传册 Testing High Power Semiconductor Devices from Inception to Market
Introduction This primer examines the life cycle of a power semiconductor device and the tremendous variety of test and characterization activities and measurement challenges faced by the engineers involved in each stage throughout the cycle …入门指南 2 Series MSO for Automotive Test and Debug
This flyer highlights how the 2 Series MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope can make automotive test and debug easier.速查资料 Recommended Electronics Engineering Benches for Education
Recommended Education Bench Configurations Start with one of these three configurations to create the bench best suited for your students Fundamental Teaching Lab Prepare …技术简介 Magway Zero Emissions IMDA Case Study
Based in Wembley, London, Magway is developing a system to deliver parcels and goods through a network of underground pipes across the UK, using a series of small carriages running on rails. The system uses technologies such as …成功案例 Columbia University Case Study
Read this case study to learn how the Motor Drives and Power Electronics Lab (MPlab) at Columbia University’s Electrical Engineering used an MSO58 8-channel oscilloscope to analyze three-phase motor drives and multi-phase power electronics systems to …成功案例 Ensuring the Performance and Conformance of In-Vehicle Networks for New-Generation Automobiles
When comparing past, present and future automobiles, one trend is clear: cars have become data centers on wheels. Within each vehicle, the volume of data from safety systems, onboard sensors, navigation systems, and so on and the reliance on that …入门指南 Making Accurate Current Measurements on Power Supplies with Oscilloscopes
This application note describes considerations and techniques for making accurate current measurements on power converters using an oscilloscope and a current probe. When used in conjunction with an oscilloscope’s voltage measurements …应用指南 REVIEW: Cost-effective scopes time-correlate analog+ digital signals
产品文章 Serial Analyzers for PCIe 2.0 Provide Power Management and Cross Bus Analysis
产品文章 Tektronix Instruments Selected For HDMI Compliance Test
产品文章 Real-time 20-GHz-bandwidth DSO takes 50G samples/sec and captures four 200M-sample records at once
产品文章 In-Depth Review: DSP-equipped scopes provide 20-GHz of realtime bandwidth
产品文章 In-Depth Review: DSP-equipped scopes provide 20-GHz of realtime bandwidth
技术简介 Tektronix MSOs Set Performance Benchmarks
产品文章 Tek oscilloscopes catch analog and digital signals
常见问题 常见问题 ID TCPA400电源探头+TCP404XL电流探头最大测量时间是多少
TCPA400+TCP404XL最大测试时间 没有最大安培*秒乘积这一指标! 参考TCP404XL与TCPA400的技术指标。其探头在测试时对于大于500A的信号,仅可以进行不连续测量;从而避免探头过载,损坏探头。超出部分在加载不同直流分量的信号时的脉冲占空比是不一样的。 上图为探头测试的加载方式,直流分量+脉冲分量。 其测试>500A的脉冲信号需要根据环境条件,信号的直流分量大小来确定脉冲分量的占空比或峰值。 *注意:该款探头没有最大安培*秒乘积这一指标,请参考其脉冲输出占空比曲线图 …473346 如何设置TCPA300电流探头 和对应探头进行电流检测
将探头接入放大器,并锁紧 放大器与示波器连接: TDS3000 系列可以使用TEKPROBE 接口的线缆直连(自动识别探头) 使用BNC 电缆连接通用型号的示波器,示波器可以设置50Ω输入阻抗的选择直连;无法设置50Ω阻 抗的,在1 号位置接入50Ω通过式终端(011-0049-02) TDS3000 使用TEKPROBE 线缆,示波器可以自动识别探头信息;使用BNC 电缆的,根据探头当前设置 的档位在示波器设置探头,例如:选择电流,对应衰减比——5A/V 设置为5X 衰减 …473341 P5200示波器探头,不能配合浮地示波器TPS2000&THS3000的原因
P5200 要求接地,否则很容易烧坏。473301 Will The TCPA300 or TCPA400 current probe amplifier work with the older A6xxx series current probes?
No, the TCPA300 and TCPA400 will only work with their respective current probes, TCP312, TCP303, TCP305, and TCP404XL.61461 What current probes are compatible with the CT4 current transformer?
The CT4 can be used to extend the measurement capability of the P6021/A, A6302, A6312, TCP202/A,TCP0020 and TCP0030/A.The CT4 can also be used with the TCP 312/A and TCP305/A along with the TCPA300 amplifier. On some instruments, you may need to set …64056 What are the maximum power draw ratings for the DPO3000/MSO3000 TEKVPI probes?
The MSO/DPO3000 Series scope can handle up to 20 Watts of attached probes. With an external adapter (Part #119-7465-xx) these scopes can reach up to 50 wattage requirement depending on probe requirements. Please see the download link below with a …61131 What are some of the benefits of the TekVPI probe interface?
The biggest benefits of the TekVPI™ probe interface are versatility and ease of use. Oscilloscopes with TekVPI interface support a wide range of probes including TekVPI probes, BNC and TekProbe-BNC Level 1 probes, and TekProbe-BNC Level 2 probes …56016 Which probes are compatible with oscilloscopes with the TekVPI probe interface?
There are a couple different types of TekVPI interfaces, one with a notch and one without. The notch was implemented later and was put in place because the front end was designed differently and communicates uniquely with those types of probes …56226 Need a replacement power supply for, TRCP0300, TRCP0600, TRCP3000
Tektronix does not offer a replacement part number. The power supply an External Desktop AC to DC supply. 12V 1.6A with a barrel connector of 2.1mm ID and 5.5mm OD. Positive (+) inside; necitive (-) outside.772586 What is the size of the TRCP current probe loops.
The size of the loops are given in this document.468376 What is the delay or propogation delay for various Tektronix probes?
Probe delay in ns (Typical)P520517P521020P510014.9P50505.5TCP20217TCPA30519TCP30353TCP31217A631230A630355A6302XL6058741 What are the differences between the A and non A versions of the TCP0030, TCP312, TCP305 and P6021 current probes?
The TCP0030A, TCP312A, TCP305A, and P6021A probes are updates to their existing models. Updates include:Larger jaw diameter (5 mm vs. 3.8 mm) to accommodate larger wire sizes 3rd Party Certification for bare wire voltages up to 150 V CAT II - (Non-A …64841 What are the differences between the older TCP202 and current TCP202A?
Differences are: 1. The jaw size of TCP202 is 3.8 mm while the jaw opening for TCP202A is 5 mm. 2. The TCP202A is rated for 150 V CAT II on bare wire.468406 Do the TCP300 and TCP400 series current probes require amplifiers?
The TCP300 series require the TCPA300 current amplifier. The TCP404XL requires the TCPA400 current amplifier.58156