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产品技术资料 文献编号: 发布日期 2461 SourceMeter SMU 仪器 1000W,10A 脉冲,7A DC
Model 2461 高电流 SourceMeter® 源 测量单元 (SMU) 仪器把先进的 Touch, Test, Invent® 技术放到您的手中。它把 创新的图形用户界面(GUI)与容性触 摸屏技术结合在一起,使测试变得异 常直观,最大限度地缩短了学习周期, 帮助工程师和科学家学习更快速,工 作更明智,创造更容易。1KC-60288-0
手册 手册类型 部件号: 发布日期 Model 2461 快速入门指南
主要用户 2461-903-03B Model 2461 1 kW 脉冲型交互式 SourceMeter® 仪器 用户手册
Model 2461 1 kW 脉冲型交互式 SourceMeter® 仪器 用户手册. Model 2461 1 kW Pulse Mode Interactive SourceMeter Instrument User's Manual Chinese. User Manual主要用户 2461-900-03B SMU Potentiostats and EC-UPGRADE Kit Quick Start Guide
SMU Potentiostats and EC-UPGRADE Kit Quick Start Guide用户 071347302 Series 24GDI Declassification and Security Instructions
解密 077086201 Keithley Instruments Software and Documentation Downloads
Document that provides descriptions of some of the software, drivers, and documentation that is available on the website.用户 071352702 Keithley Instruments Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions PA用户 071341102 Modele 2461 Liste d'avertissements (French Warning List)
Model 2461 1 kW Pulse Mode Interactive SourceMeter Instrument French Warning List Other用户 077121000 Models 2450-EC, 2460-EC, and 2461-EC Potentiostats and Galvanostats User's Manual
Models 2450-EC, 2460-EC, and 2461-EC Potentiostats and Galvanostats User Manual主要用户 077110403 Model CS-1616-3 Safety Interlock Mating Connector
The Model CS-1616-3 is an interlock mating connector that is supplied with Keithley instruments that include an interlock connection.071369401 Model 2461 in a Series 2400 Application Emulation and Migration Guide
用户 077162100 Model 2461 1 kW Pulse Mode Interactive SourceMeter Instrument Calibration and Adjustment Manual
用户 2461-905-01A
技术文档 文档类型 发布日期 2461型1KW 脉冲交互源表规格表
Specifications for the Model 2461 1 kW Pulse Mode Interactive SourceMeter Instrument技术指标 Five Reasons to Switch to the 2460 or 2461 SMU from the 2420 or 2440 SMU for High Current I-V Characterization
The Keithley 2420 and 2440 High Current SourceMeter SMUs have been an industry favorite instrument for over 20 years for performing current vs. voltage (I-V) characterization on components such as high current semiconductor devices, power MOSFETs …技术简介
软件 文档类型 部件号: 发布日期 KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.3
KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …应用 KICKSTART-2.11.3 KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.2
KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …应用 KICKSTART-2.11.2 Keithley I/O Layer version C10 (Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 Compatible)
Keithley I/O Layer version C10 (KIOL-850C10 adds support for Windows 10 and 11 Operating Systems and installs NI-VISA Runtime 17.5 and NI-ICP 17.0. This release replaces previous versions of KIOL-850B07, KIOL-850C02, KIOL-850C03, KIOL-850C04, KIOL …应用 KIOL-850C10 TSPAPP-BATTERY-DCIR-V1.0.0
BATTERY-DCIR app for models 2450, 2460, 2461, 2470. This application script allows you to configure the SMU for either one or two current pulses from the front panel. These pulses can be sourcing (battery charging pulse) or sinking (battery …应用 TSPAPP-BATTERY-DCIR-V1.0.0 SMU Arb Function Generator TSPAPP v1.0
SMU-AFG app for models 2450, 2460, 2461, 2470. This application script allows the user to configure and source either voltage or current waveforms up to 50 Hz and extends the source measure unit (SourceMeter) capabilities through the following: …应用 TSPAPP-SMU-AFG-V1.0.0 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.7.12 and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.7.12 for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.7.12 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.7.10 and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.7.10 for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.7.10 KickStart Instrument Control Software Version 2.6.0 (Windows 10, 8, 7 compatible) (NOT SUPPORTED)
"KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments.Key Features• Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings.• Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …应用 KICKSTART-2.6.0 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.7.7 and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.7.7 for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.7.7 Kickstart 仪器控制软件 2.5.0(Windows 10 8 7兼容)
"KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of …应用 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.7.5 and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.7.5 for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.7.5 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.7.3 and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.7.3 for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.7.3 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.7.2 and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.7.2 for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.7.2 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.7.1 and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.7.1 for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.7.1 Clock TSPAPP V2.0
Highlights the customization capability by displaying an animated analog clock.应用 TSPAPP-CLOCK-V2.0.0 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.7.0 and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.7.0 for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.7.0 Keithley 2450, 2460, 2461, 2470 Native LabVIEW 2015 Instrument Driver version 1.4.0
Native LabVIEW Driver for Models 2450, 2460, 2461, 2470 Interactive SourceMeters version 1.4.0 (LabView 2015 or higher). Updated to support new model 2470.驱动程序 2450-LV2015-1.4.0 Keithley IVI-COM/IVI-C Driver for Models 2450, 2460, 2461, 2470 Version 1.3.0 (Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP Compatible)
Keithley IVI-COM/IVI-C Driver for Models 2450, 2460, 2461 Interactive SourceMeters Version 1.3.0 (includes release notes) (Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP Compatible). Adds support for new Model 2470.驱动程序 2450-IVI-1.3.0 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.6.7c and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.6.7c for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.6.7 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.6.5b and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.6.5b for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.6.5B Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.6.4c and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.6.4c for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.6.4 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.6.3d and Release Notes
Firmware version 1.6.3d for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.6.3 Keithley I/O Layer - version C07 (Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP Compatible)
Keithley I/O Layer version C07 (KIOL-850C07 adds a change to only send the :syst:rem command to RS-232 connections This release replaces previous versions of KIOL-850B07, KIOL-850C02, KIOL-850C03, KIOL-850C04, KIOL-850C05, KIOL-850C06). This version …应用 KIOL-850C07 Model 2461 Firmware Revision 1.6.1a and Release Notes - V1.6.1
Firmware version 1.6.1a for the Model 2461 SourceMeter instrument.固件 2461-FRP-V1.6.1 Keithley IVI-COM/IVI-C Driver for Models 2450, 2460, 2461, Version 1.2.0 (Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP Compatible)
Keithley IVI-COM/IVI-C Driver for Models 2450, 2460, 2461 Interactive SourceMeters Version 1.2.0 (includes release notes) (Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP Compatible). Adds support for new Model 2461.驱动程序 2450-IVI-1.2.0 MODEL 2461 FIRMWARE REVISION 1.4.1D SERVICE PACK 1
常见问题 常见问题 ID How to write a TSP script to obtain 100V at 10V pulse on Model 2461 SMU?
This TSP script outputs a linear current pulse sweep from 0A to 10A with a 100V limit on a 2461 Graphical SMU. It uses the built-in command smu.source.pulsesweeplinear() documented in the 2461 Reference Manual. This represents the upper edge of the …778811