What are the line assignments for the signals in the matrix test pattern used with the VM5000 and VM6000 options HD and SD?
The following chart lists the signal assignments for the various formats. This table is for version 2 and version 3 software.
Information on most test signals used in the matrix can be found in the High Definition Analog Component Measurement application note.
720p60 RGB | 1080i60 RGB | ||||||
720p60 YPbPr | 1080i60 YPbPr | ||||||
480i60 RGB | 480p60 RGB | 576i50 RGB | 576p50 RGB | 720p50 RGB | 1080i50 RGB | 1080p24RGB | |
Test Signal | 480i60 YPbPr | 480p60 YPbPr | 576i50 YPbPr | 576p50 YPbPr | 720p50 YPbPr | 1080i50 YPbPr | 1080p24 YPbPr |
Interlaced Field | odd | na | 1 | na | na | 1 | na |
Color Bars | 21-36 | 43-74 | 24-39 | 45-76 | 26-89 | 21-52 | 42-105 |
2T Pulse & Bar | 37-44 | 75-90 | 40-55 | 77-108 | 90-121 | 53-68 | 106-137 |
Sweep (RGB F flat) | 45-52 | 91-106 | 56-71 | 109-140 | 122-153 | 69-100 | 138-201 |
Sweep (RGB T flat) | 53-60 | 107-122 | 72-87 | 141-172 | 154-185 | 101-116 | 202-233 |
Multiburst (RGB Full) | 61-68 | 123-138 | 88-103 | 173-204 | 186-217 | 117-148 | 234-297 |
Mixed 2T Pulse & Bar, RGB | 69-84 | 139-170 | 104-119 | 205-236 | 218-249 | 149-180 | 298-361 |
Sweep (YPbPr Half BW) | 85-100 | 171-202 | 120-135 | 237-268 | 250-281 | 181-212 | 362-425 |
Sweep (YPbPr Full BW) | 101-116 | 203-234 | 136-151 | 269-300 | 282-313 | 213-244 | 426-489 |
Multiburst (YPbPr Mixed BW) | 116-132 | 235-266 | 152-167 | 301-332 | 314-377 | 245-276 | 490-553 |
Multiburst (YPbPr Half BW) | 133-148 | 267-298 | 168-183 | 333-364 | 378-441 | 277-308 | 554-617 |
Sweep Parade (RGB) | 149-164 | 299-330 | 184-199 | 365-396 | 442-473 | 309-340 | 618-681 |
Sweep Parade (YPbPr) | 165-180 | 331-362 | 200-215 | 397-428 | 474-505 | 341-372 | 682-745 |
Valid Ramps | 181-196 | 363-394 | 216-231 | 429-460 | 506-569 | 373-404 | 746-809 |
Shallow Ramp (RGB) | 197-212 | 395-426 | 232-247 | 461-492 | 570-601 | 405-436 | 810-873 |
Shallow Ramp (YPbPr) | 213-220 | 427-442 | 248-263 | 493-524 | 602-633 | 437-468 | 874-937 |
7.5% Luminance Pedestal | 221-236 | 443-474 | 264-279 | 525-556 | 634-659 | 469-500 | 938-1001 |
50% Luminance Pedestal | 237-244 | 475-490 | 280-295 | 557-588 | 660-697 | 501-532 | 1002-1065 |
100% Luminance Pedestal | 245-262 | 491-525 | 296-310 | 589-620 | 698-745 | 533-560 | 1066-1121 |
NOTES: | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | ||
1. Test signals repeat on alternate fields of interlaced formats. | |||||||
2. Test signals for 480p and 576p are band limited by the AVG7 module to 8 MHz. |
常见问题 ID 58651
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