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产品技术资料 文献编号: 发布日期 有源探头
TAP2500、TAP3500 和 TAP4000 单端有源 FET 探头提供完美的高速电气和机械性能,满足了当今数字系统设计要求。51C-19044-10 1.5 GHz Active Probe
TAP1500 Series Single-ended Active FET Probes provide excellent high-speed electrical and mechanical performance required for today's digital system designs.51W-19043-12 4 GHz Active Probe
The P7240 4 GHz, 5X active FET probe datasheet provides an overview of the product's features, important specifications, and ordering information.51W-26152-7 Active Probe for SMDs
The P6245 and P6243 Active probes provide the electrical and mechanical performance required for today’s digital systems designs. No additional power supplies or cables are required when used with TEKPROBE BNC oscilloscopes. Both the P6245 and P6243 …60W-13989-7 20X Low Capacitance Probe
60W-12026-3 50 Ω divider (Zo) low capacitance
60W-15105-2 P7225 Active Probe Datasheet
60W-16054-8 Active FET Probe
60W-14842-3 Probe Accessories
手册 手册类型 部件号: 发布日期 TAP2500, TAP3500 and TAP4000
2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 4 GHz Probes主要用户 071188502 China RoHS Supplemental, 071217907
Product Information Sheet for People's Republic of China Other用户 071217907 TAP1500
Active Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 071181101 Tektronix Supplemental
Product Information Sheet for People's Republic of China Other用户 071329302 P6243
1 GHz 10X Active Probe Instructions主要用户 070941204 Tektronix Supplemental Product Information Sheet
People’s Republic of China Other用户 071217901 TAP2500 and TAP3500
2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz Probes Instruction Manual主要用户 071188501 TAP1500
Active Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 071181100 Probes and Accessories Declassification and Security Instructions
Declassification and Security解密 071238400 TAP1500 Series Instruction Manual
1.5 GHz, 10X Active Probes主要用户 077183000 TAP1500 Series Instruction Manual
1.5 GHz, 10X Active Probes主要用户 077183000 Power Measurement Deskew & Calibration Fixture Instructions
067-1686-03主要用户 071187203 Tektronix Supplemental, 071329304
Product Information Sheet for People‚s Republic of China用户 071329304 TAP1500 Instructions
1.5 GHz, 10X Active Probe主要用户 071180901 P7225
2.5 GHz 10X Active Probe User Manual主要用户 071118702 P6245
1.5 GHz 10X Active Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 070899505 P6243
1 GHz 10X Active Probe Service Manual维修 070940904 P6243
1 GHz 10X Active Probe Instructions主要用户 070940804 P7225 Service Manual
2.5 GHz Active Probe Service Manual维修 071118600 P7240 4 GHz 5X Active Probe
4 GHz 5X Active Probe User Manual主要用户 071075903 P7240 Service Manual
4 GHz Active Probe Service Manual维修 071105600 P6209, P6249, P7225, and P7240 Reorder List
Probe Accessory用户 001125801 P7225 User Manual
2.5 GHz 10X Active Probe User Manual用户 071118701 P7260 Service Manual
6 GHz 5X/25X Active Probe维修 071111300 P6205 FET Probe
FET Probe Instruction Manual主要用户 070820201 679-5027-00 IEEE 1394 Adapter
679-5027-00 IEEE 1394 Adapter Instructions Instructions主要用户 071063100
技术文档 文档类型 发布日期 Tektronix 示波器附件选择指南
示波器探头相互参考, 无源探头, 有源探头, 差分探头和差分前置放大器, 电流探头, 高压探头和高压差分探头, 连接器和适配器, 光电转换器, 衰减器, 端接器和电缆, 仪器手推车/机架安装套件, 探头尖附件产品选择指南 《探头入门基础》手册下载
探头对示波器测量以及测量质量都是至关重要的,免费下载全新2012探头入门基础手册,你将更加清楚的知道如何为您的仪器选择合适的探头,以及一些探头使用的重要技术,技巧。入门指南 探头参考海报
测量精度开始在探针尖端。为了帮助您掌握艺术探索,我们已经整理了最常见的问题,这张海报的尺寸为11x17,打印简便,提供了多种探头技巧和技术,适合张贴在实验室或工作场所中。 下载从复制的提示如何选择正确的探头,探头的负荷,关于探头电力测量。海报 TriMode™ 三模探头构架
串行数据标准,如PCI Express ,SATA 和HDMI 需要在测量差模和单端参数的同时,也测量共模参数。这些测量通常会耗费很多时间,因为需要重复细致地连接、再连接多个差分探头,然后再把这些探头移动到下一个测试点,以完成必须的测量任务。使用TriModeTM 三模构架的P7500 系列探头系统迈出了探测方式的革命性步伐:让用户不再需要使用多条探头、不断改变连接来来完成差模、单端和共模测试,而是仅仅按动按钮,就可以在这些模式中切换。泰克全新的TriModeTM探头构架改变了以往的信号探测规则 …白皮书 TekVPI(TM) 新型探头接口提供了杰出的通用性和简便易用性
通过推出一系列通用的、功能丰富、简便易用的新型TekVPI 探头,TekVPI (泰克通用探头接口)结构引入了下一代泰克探头接口结构。这些探头是为用于泰克最新一代DPO4000和中端DPO7000系列DPOTM示波器而设计的。技术简介 TekConnect™ 探头: 信号保真问题与建模
This technical brief describes specific signal integrity challenges in high performance designs and the signal fidelity issues that affect the accurate representation of a signal in a measurement system.技术简介 Utilizing DSP to Optimize Real-time Oscilloscope/Probe System Performance
Real-time oscilloscopes have employed DSP filters for several years. Now the combination of DSP and advances in hardware and ASIC design have enabled significant advances in probe signal fidelity. This application note will extend the discussion of …应用指南
软件 文档类型 部件号: 发布日期 DSP Filter for TAP1500L
固件 066222500 TekConnect Field Calibration Software V1.11
For users who desire to perform their own calibration, the P7240/P7330/P7260 Field Adjust SW provides the ability to perform probe performance verification and adjust probe calibration constants. The TekConnect Adjust Application is a Windows …应用 066020300
常见问题 常见问题 ID I have a probe that is no longer being manufactured. What is the replacement?
Please use our "Interactive Probe Selection Tool" to assist in locating a replacement probe for your Tektronix instrument. The interactive tool is located at /node/3661. If your instrument is not located in the upper instrument list, you can click …52846 What is the difference between the P6139A and the P6139B?
From a specifications perspective, the probes are identical. Both are 500 MHz, 10X passive probes. The P6139B can be used on oscilloscopes that shipped with the P6139A.From a mechanical perspective, there are some differences:- Sharper tip- Ground …64441 What are some of the benefits of the TekVPI probe interface?
The biggest benefits of the TekVPI™ probe interface are versatility and ease of use. Oscilloscopes with TekVPI interface support a wide range of probes including TekVPI probes, BNC and TekProbe-BNC Level 1 probes, and TekProbe-BNC Level 2 probes …56016 Which probes are compatible with oscilloscopes with the TekVPI probe interface?
There are a couple different types of TekVPI interfaces, one with a notch and one without. The notch was implemented later and was put in place because the front end was designed differently and communicates uniquely with those types of probes …56226 Where can I find a list of passive probe accessories such as surface mount interconnects+ circuit board test points+ and replacement parts?
The accessories will depend upon which type of passive probe. There are three probe diameters: 2.5 mm, 3.5 mm, and 5 mm. The part numbers and a diagram of the accessories for each type can be found below:2.5 mm (subminiature) probe accessories for …58961