与泰克代表实时聊天。 工作时间:上午 9:00 - 下午 5:00(太平洋标准时间)。
Features & Benefits
- 500-MHz Bandwidth
- Sample Rates to 500 MS/s
- 4 Channels
- Width, 2-ns Glitch, Runt, State, and Pattern Triggering
- 1-mV to 10-V/div Sensitivity
- Infinite and Variable Persistence
- 8-Bit Vertical Resolution Up to 12-Bit in Hi-Res Mode
- 1% Vertical Accuracy
- FFT, Integration, Differentiation (option 2F)
- 25 Automatic Measurements
- GPIB Programmable
- 3.5-in. Floppy Disk Drive
- CE Marking
TDS510A Digital Oscilloscope
The TDS510A Digital Oscilloscope is a full-featured, cost-effective, versatile oscilloscope which meets the measurement requirements for general-purpose research and design. Its industry-preferred graphical user interface makes it easy to learn and efficient to use. The TDS510A advanced trigger capability allows the user to trigger and view signals in a wide variety of simple as well as complex design and analysis settings. With four channels, 50 K points per channel record length, and powerful waveform acquisition modes, the TDS510A can satisfy most complex design, debug, and analysis requirements.
A full complement of graphical and digital output formats provides report generation and documentation of measurement results. These output formats are compatible with popular word-processor applications. Output interfaces include an integral floppy disk drive, GPIB, RS232C, and Centronics.
The most complete selection of active and passive probes facilitates measuring virtually any voltage or current waveform. Probe types include active and passive voltage probes, differential voltage probes for high and low voltages, and current probes. When used with the TDS510A, these probes automatically provide correct scaling and engineering unit readout for voltage, current, and power waveforms. You can tailor the TDS510A to your specific measurement environment by using the appropriate probes and accessories. This powerful combination makes the TDS510A the ideal instrument choice for low-power, medical electronics, biophysical, automotive, and general-purpose electronic design and development.
Vertical System
Bandwidth - 500 MHz*1
Channels - Four
Waveform Capture Rate - 150 waveforms/s
Max Sample Rate -
1 and 2 Channels: 500 MS/s
4 Channels: 250 MS/s
Sensitivity - 1 mV to 10 V/div
Position Range - ±5 divisions
Offset -
1 to 99.5 mV/div: ±1 V
100 to 995 mV/div: ±10 V
1 to 10 V/div: ±100 V
DC Gain Accuracy - ±1%
Vertical Resolution - 8-bits
Analog Bandwidth Selections - 20 MHz, 100 MHz, and Full
Input Coupling - AC, DC, or GND
Input Impedance Selections - 1 megohm in parallel with 10 pF, or 50 ohm (AC and DC coupling)
Maximum Input Voltage -
300 V CAT II; ±400 V (peak)
Derate at 20 dB/decade above 1 MHz
1 megohm or GND coupled
Channel Isolation -
>100:1 at 100 MHz
>30:1 at BW for any two channels with equal V/div settings
AC Coupled LF Limit -
AC 1 megohm coupled: ≤10 Hz
AC 50 ohm coupled: ≤200 kHz
*1 500 MHz typical at probe tip with P6139A probe.
Time Base System
Time Bases - Main, Delayed
Time/Div Range - 500 ps to 10 s/div
Time Base Accuracy - ±25 ppm over any interval ≥1 ms
Record Length - 50 K points
Pretrigger Position - 0 to 100% of record
Acquisition System
Acquisition Modes - Sample, Single Sequence, Average, Envelope, Hi-Res, Peak Detect
Trigger System
Trigger Types - Edge (Main and Delayed), Pulse (Width, Glitch, and Runt), Logic (Pattern and State), Video - Opt. 05 (NTSC, PAL, HDTV, FlexFormat™)
Main Trigger Modes - Auto, Normal, Single
Delay Trigger Modes - Delay by time, events, or events and time
Waveforms - Four full 50 K point records
Setups - 10 front-panel setups
Display System
Monitor - 7 in., 640 × 480, monochrome
Waveform Style - Dots or vectors, infinite and variable persistence
Display Formats - YT, XY Zoom, Fit-to-Screen
Automatic Measurements
Period |
Frequency |
High |
Low |
+Width |
-Width |
Maximum Rise |
Minimum Fall |
Peak-to-Peak |
Amplitude |
+Duty Cycle |
-Duty Cycle |
+Overshoot |
-Overshoot |
Propagation Delay |
Burst Width |
Mean |
Cycle Mean |
Cycle RMS |
Area |
Cycle Area |
Phase |
Advanced Waveform Functions - FFT, Differentiation, Integration (Option 2F), Limit Testing.
Cursor Measurements - Absolute, Delta; volts, time, frequency. NTSC IRE units and line number with video trigger (Option 05).
Waveform Functions - Interpolation (sin(x)/x or linear), Average, Envelope, Auto-Setup.
VGA Out - Monochrome
RS-232 and Centronics - Opt. 13
Hardcopy Formats - Epson, Thinkjet, Deskjet, Laserjet, PostScript, TIFF, PCX, BMP, DPU411/412, HPGL, Interleaf
Power - 90 to 250 VRMS, 45 to 440 Hz, 300 W maximum
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions |
mm |
in. |
Height |
193 |
7.6 |
Width |
445 |
17.5 |
Depth |
432 |
17 |
Weight |
kg |
lb. |
Net |
14.1 |
31 |
Safety Certification
UL and CSA-certified.