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Clarius Compliance DisplayPort 1.4 Transmitter Test Solution


Tektronix provides the most comprehensive solutions to meet the needs of engineers designing DisplayPort silicon for computer systems and embedded systems, as well as those validating the physical layer compliance of DisplayPort devices to the DisplayPort 1.4 Compliance Test Specification. The Clarius Compliance DisplayPort application is compatible with Tektronix DPO/MSO 70000 DX/SX series oscilloscopes that are designed to meet the challenges of the next generation of display standards.

The Clarius compliance platform is a new generation compliance test automation software platform. The platform offers a range of features and benefits

  • Higher asset utilization and faster test times: disaggregated architecture to offload analysis from the oscilloscope
  • Easy workflow integration: leverage REST APIs and SDK for faster automation
  • Integrated data management for results, reports, and waveforms in the UI, along with a dashboard view

Key features

  • Complete compliance testing of data rates RBR, HBR, HBR2, and HBR3 for DisplayPort 1.4
  • Supports DP, mDP, and USB-C connectors
  • Automated CTLE optimization
  • Intelligent pattern recognition before test execution
  • Fixture de-embed feature: Use the default filter file for de-embedding fixture effect or create a custom filter file using SDLA software to leverage the channel modeling and receiver equalization functionality.
  • Easy option to support repeatability of measurements
  • Complete DUT automation for hands free testing
  • Reports available in .pdf, and .csv formats for advanced data analysis
  • Supports DPR100 and UCD323 DUT control
Clarius Compliance DisplayPort 14 Transmitter Test Solution 61W741250

DisplayPort compliance testing

DisplayPort sources (transmitters) have state control requirements in order to transmit the data patterns and signal properties required to demonstrate conformance as per the compliance test specification. The following properties and patterns need to be transmitted for full measurement coverage:

  • Bit rates: RBR, HBR, HBR2, and HBR3
  • Data patterns: D10.2, PRBS7, COMPEYE, PLTPAT, and TPS4
  • FFE (pre-emphasis): 0 dB, 3.5 dB, 6 dB, and 9.5 dB
  • Output levels: 400 mV, 600 mV, 800 mV, and 1200 mV
  • SSC (spread spectrum): On/Off
Clarius Compliance DisplayPort 14 Transmitter Test Solution 61W741250
DisplayPort Type-C setup with dongle
Clarius Compliance DisplayPort 14 Transmitter Test Solution 61W741250
Display Port 1.4 Test report

Compliance to characterization support

Tektronix offers DisplayPort DPOJET plugin that can be used to characterize a DUT and analyze its finer behavior. It serves as an analysis tool when the DUT fails any portion of the compliance tests or you want to take a deeper look into the failures. All the compliance tests which are supported in the application and requires a single acquisition are supported in this package. You can build automation scripts around these measurements to setup a custom test environment.

Clarius Compliance DisplayPort 14 Transmitter Test Solution 61W741250
DPOJET eye diagram
Clarius Compliance DisplayPort 14 Transmitter Test Solution 61W741250
DisplayPort 1.4 four lanes testing using differential probes

SDLA features

SDLA enables you to probe and visualize data at the required location (de-embed/embed) using virtual the probing through test points. It can remove (de-embed) the effects of the cables, probes, and fixtures to get more accurate measurement results. It can embed user defined channel models to simulate the signal at the end of the link. It can also be used to open a closed eye using receiver equalization, Continuous Time Linear Equalizer (CTLE), Decision Feedback (DFE), or Feed Forward Equalization (FFE). SDLA also has advanced analysis and modeling capabilities. One can view and measure multiple test points using DPOJET Jitter and Eye analysis comprehensive frequency and time domain plots, enable quick verification of S-parameters and test point transfer functions.


Proposed measurements

List of supported measurements as per DisplayPort 1.4a Standard/Type-C CTS

Measurements RBRHBRHBR2HBR3
[3.1] EyeDiagram
[3.1] EyeHeight
[3.1] EyeWidth
[3.1] EyeDiagramZeroCable_TP3EQ
[3.1] EyeDiagramWorstCable_TP3EQ
[3.1] EyeDiagramZeroCable_TP3CTLE
[3.1] EyeDiagramWorstCable_TP3CTLE
[3.2] NonPELevelVerification
[3.4] PELevelAndEquilizationVerification
[3.5] VTXDiffP2PMax
[3.7] IntraPairSkew
[3.8] ACCommonMode
[3.9] NonISIJitter
[3.9] NonISIJitter_TP3CTLE
[3.11] TotalJitter
[3.11] DJZeroCable_TP3EQ
[3.11] TJZeroCable_TP3EQ
[3.11] TJWorstCable_TP3EQ
[3.11] TJZeroCable_TP3CTLE
[3.11] TJWorstCable_TP3CTLE
[3.11.3] DJZeroCableD10.2_TP3EQ
[3.11.3] DJWorstCableD10.2_TP3EQ
[3.11.3] TJZeroCableD10.2_TP3EQ
[3.11.3] TJWorstCableD10.2_TP3EQ
[3.11.3] RJZeroCableD10.2_TP3EQ
[3.11.3] RJWorstCableD10.2_TP3Q
[3.12] MainLinkFrequency
[3.13] SSCModRate
[3.14] SSCFrequencyDeviation

Measurements list for DisplayPort Tx AUX

The list of measurements for the DisplayPort Tx AUX technology are:

  • [11.1] EyeTest
  • [11.5] SlewRate
  • PeakToPeak
  • UnitInterval

Ordering information

Hardware requirements

Tektronix Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (DPO) or Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO) – 12 GHz and above)DPO/MSO70000 SX/DXTektronix1
HDMI & DisplayPort 4K Video Generator & AnalyzerUCD323Unigraf1
Standard DP connector plug fixtureTF-DP-TPA-PWilder1
Mini-DP plug test fixturemDP-TPA-PRWilder 1
DP Aux control adapterDP-TPA-AWilder1
DP type C plug adapter & control boardDPC-TPA-RRCBWilder1
Cable pair; 2.92 mm to 2.92 mm, Straight, 1.5 ps phase-matched, 1- meterPMCABLE1MTektronix1 to 4
16 GHz active probe, 2.92 mm input adaptersP7716 + P77C292MMTektronix1 to 4
DP Aux controllerDPR-100Unigraf1
Alt mode controller, type C plugGRL-USB-PD-C2GRL1

Host system pre requisite

ItemDescriptionVendor Quantity
Host PC/LaptopRefer to the system requirements details Multiple1

System requirements

PrerequisitesRecommended requirements
Operating systemWindows 10 Enterprise and Pro (version 21H1 and above) or Windows 11 Enterprise and Pro (version 21H2 and above)

Language: English (United States) only

CPU cores16
Disk space 300 GB HDD/SSD of free disk space
Network speed1 Gbps
Browser Google chrome or Microsoft edge
Additional software
  • Python 3.12.x1
  • MATLAB compiler runtime 9.11
  • Unigraf DPR-100 for DisplayPort 1.4 datarate testing.

Software requirements


Clarius DisplayPort 1.4 Tx Compliance Test ApplicationRefer to the license optionsTektronix1


Jitter & Eye Diagram softwareDJA 2Tektronix1
Serial data link analysis software SDLA64Tektronix1

License options

License termsLicense optionLicense type
Subscription options AT-DP14-TX-NS11 Year, Node-Locked
AT-DP14-TX-NS33 Year, Node-Locked
AT-DP14-TX-FS11 Year, Floating
AT-DP14-TX-FS3 3 Year, Floating
License can be used for the duration of subscription term.

License types:

  • Node-Locked: Tied to a specific computer.
  • Floating: License can be moved from one computer to another to share between labs/geography.