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Power Supply Selector Guide
Parallel Power Supplies: A Complete Guide to Increasing Current Capacity and Reliability Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Introduction In many test and industrial applications, a single power supply may not provide enough current to meet system demands. Connecting power supplies in parallel is a practical solution that allows users to increase available current while maintaining a stable voltage. This technique can also improve system redundancy, reducing the risk of downtime due to power failures. In this guide …
Perform More Tests and Increase Throughput with High-Power, 3-Channel Bidirectional Power Supplies Friday, February 14, 2025
They are common challenges every test engineer is likely to face at some point: production demand is outpacing the capability of your test system, or you need to test more parameters simultaneously. Until now, you have needed to build more test systems requiring more test equipment. That has been true for high power applications in which multiple DC power supplies are required. Applications …
HSI is Faster and Simpler Than SCPI Monday, January 13, 2025
Have you ever wished that pulling waveform data from your oscilloscope could be faster? In this blog, we’ll explore TekHSI (Tektronix High Speed Interface), the speed improvements it offers, and review examples on why it’s so easy to use. What is TekHSI? TekHSI is a new feature available on Tektronix 4B, 5 and 6 (B and LP) Series MSO Oscilloscopes via the latest firmware update, v2.10. TekHSI is …
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What is Multi-Brand OEM Compliant Calibration? Thursday, January 2, 2025
In today's complex and fast-paced technological landscape, laboratories and manufacturing facilities often find themselves equipped with a diverse array of test and measurement instruments from various manufacturers. This diversity, while beneficial for addressing specific testing needs, introduces significant challenges in maintaining the precision and accuracy of these instruments. Recognizing …
Tektronix Entry Oscilloscopes product manager, Cyrilla Menon, holding the 2 Series MSO EDU and TBS1052C-EDU
Special Pricing on Tektronix Education Oscilloscopes Tuesday, December 3, 2024
High-Quality Education with High-Quality Scopes In classrooms around the world, oscilloscopes are a gateway to understanding the invisible world of signals and circuits. But for many students, the excitement of discovery often gives way to frustration as they wrestle with complex controls and unfamiliar interfaces. Students and instructors often waste precious lab time figuring out how to use …
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What is ANSI Z540.3? Monday, December 2, 2024
​In the meticulous realm of calibration, precision isn't just a goal—it's the very essence of trust. At Tektronix, we understand that our clients depend on us not only for accuracy but also for the assurance that their instruments perform flawlessly. This understanding is why we proudly offer Multi-Brand OEM compliant calibration services that fulfill the ANSI Z540.3 standard. But what exactly is …
Woman using a Tektronix IsoVu Isolated Current Shunt Probe and 4 Series B MSO oscilloscope to measure dynamic draw on a processor board during I/O activity.
新型IsoVu™ 隔离电流探头:为电流测量带来全新维度 Wednesday, November 27, 2024
示波器测量电流的常见方法包括使用电流互感器、罗氏线圈和霍尔效应钳式探头。按规格要求使用时,优质磁探头的测量结果非常准确。因为不需要破坏原有电路,因此用于测量在电线或测试回路中流动的电流也很方便。然而,磁探头存在一些固有的局限性。在本文中,作者将介绍针对基于分流器进行电流测量而优化的探头属性,并探讨 IsoVuTM隔离电流探头特别适用的两种应用。 如上所述,使用磁探头测量时需要一根线圈。由于物理限制或电路的敏感性,有时无法使用这种线圈。由于磁性材料的特性,即使是高端钳式电流探头,带宽也被限制在 100 MHz 左右。尽管人们可能会认为非接触式探头不会影响电路性能,但磁探头插入阻抗的意外影响却让许多工程师困惑不已,因为该阻抗在全带宽下可能接近 1 Ω。   图 1当有电线或测试环路可用、插入电感可以容忍且带宽限制在 100 MHz 左右时,使用示波器钳式交流/直流电流探头非常方便 …
An RF engineer performing spectrum monitoring via a laptop PC while observing a radar system.
Capture Elusive RF Signals with Advanced Software for Handheld Spectrum Analyzers Tuesday, November 26, 2024
RF signals are more dynamic and unpredictable than ever, which presents new challenges for engineers. Even traditional vector spectrum analyzers struggle to capture transient or intermittent signals, leaving you without a complete picture of how your circuit or system is performing. Tektronix SignalVu-PC software now provides three advanced triggers enabling you to visualize, capture, and analyze …
提高信号完整性的秘密武器:实时示波器测试TDR阻抗的全新方案 Tuesday, November 19, 2024
​现代电路设计和信号传输无疑对工程师提出了越来越高的要求。随着传输速率不断攀升,信号完整性问题成为了影响系统性能的关键因素。而要确保信号完整性,阻抗匹配是不可或缺的一部分。在这种背景下,我们为您隆重推出一套基于实时示波器的TDR(时域反射)阻抗测试方案,让工程师们轻松应对阻抗匹配挑战,从而提升产品质量。 什么是TDR? TDR(时域反射技术)是一种通过观察传输线中反射信号来测量阻抗特性的技术。这种方法的优势在于能够快速、准确地检测出传输线中的不连续点,如阻抗不匹配、开路和短路等。对于高速电路设计而言,TDR已成为必不可少的工具。 实时示波器——TDR测试的新选择 传统的TDR测试一般使用专用的TDR设备,但这些设备通常价格昂贵且操作复杂。我们的解决方案则采用了一台高性能的实时示波器,结合先进的软件算法,不仅大大降低了测试成本,还显著简化了操作流程。 方案特色: …
Measuring Current using Shunt Resistors Tuesday, November 12, 2024
There are different techniques for measuring the current flowing in a circuit. Employing Ohm’s law by inserting a shunt resistor of a precisely known value in the circuit is a common and straightforward way of measuring the current in the circuit. This post: Defines and describes shunt resistors and their applications Discusses key characteristics of shunt resistors Gives an …