How do I display 2-line or 2-field sweeps on the composite waveform of a WFM700?
In the component overlay display modes you should see buttons in the sweep menu for 2-line, 2-field and magnified displays. These options are not available in the parade display mode or in the composite color space because the SDI-to-composite conversion is too processor intensive and doesn't leave enough CPU cycles to do more advanced sweeps on a WFM700.
These modes are normally used to view the waveform between lines or fields and/or make timing measurements on them. It is important to note however that in the case of an SDI stream this information is meaningless. All of the data between the lines or fields in the waveform display is fabricated by the WFM700 since it does not exist in the SDI signal.
常见问题 ID 63546
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