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产品技术资料 文献编号: 发布日期 RSA5000 系列频谱分析仪产品技术资料
手册 手册类型 部件号: 发布日期 RSA5100B 系列 快速入门用户手册
主要用户 071322603 RSA5100B Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Application Examples Reference用户 071328500 RSA6100B 系列实时信号分析仪 快速入门用户手册
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要用户 071283905 RSA6100B 系列实时信号分析仪 快速入门用户手册
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要用户 071283904 RSA6100B 系列实时信号分析仪 快速入门用户手册
RSA5100A 系列实时信号分析仪 Quick Start User Manual主要用户 071283903 RSA6100B 系列实时信号分析仪 参考
RSA5100A 系列实时信号分析仪 Reference用户 071283501 RSA6100B Series & RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要用户 071283902 RSA6100A Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help联机帮助 077051901 RSA6100A Series & RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal/Spectrum Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要用户 071283900 RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual
Real-Time Signal Analyzers用户 071322412 RSA5100B Series Real-time Signal Analyzers Help
Real-time Signal Analyzers Application Help联机帮助 077089907 RSA5100B Series Real Time Signal Analyzers Programmer Manual
Real-Time Signal Analyzers程序员 077090105 RSA5100B Series Declassification and Security Instructions
Real-Time Signal Analyzer Declassification and Security解密 077090201 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzer Declassification and Security解密 077052102 RSA5100B Series Specifications and Performance Verification Manual
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Specifications and Performance Verification性能验证 077090002 RSA5100A Series
Option 110 MHz Capture Bandwidth Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071309500 RSA5100A and RSA6100B Series
Real Time Spectrum Analyzers Programmer Manual程序员 077052308 RSA5100A Series
联机帮助 077104002 RSA5100A Series
主要用户 071283808 RSA5BUP Options B85, B85E, B16X, B16XE Upgrade Instructions
RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers85 MHz / 125 MHz / 165 MHz Acquisition Bandwidth Upgrade现场安装说明 075105701 RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Quick Start User Manual主要用户 071283806 RSA5100A Series
Real-time Signal Analyzers PDF of application help Online Help联机帮助 077104000 RSA5AUP (Software Options)
RSA5100A Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers Software Only Upgrades Instructions现场安装说明 075107800 RSA5BUP (Options PFR, 50, PFR50)
RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers Preamp and Precision Frequency Reference Upgrades Instructions现场安装说明 075105901 RSA5100B Series Service Manual
Real-Time Signal Analyzers, Rev A维修 077090300 RSA5BUP Options 65, 66, and 6566 Upgrade Instructions
RSA5100A and RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal AnalyzersDigital I and Q Outputs and Zero Span Output Upgrades(Includes RSA5UP Option 5566)现场安装说明 075106100 RSA5BUP Options 56 and 59 Upgrade Instructions
RSA5100B Series Real-Time Signal AnalyzersInternal HD and Removable SSD现场安装说明 075105600 RSA5115A and RSA5126A
Real Time Signal Analyzers Option 51 Preamp Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071309400 RSA6000A, RSA6000B, & RSA5000A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers WLAN Measurements Upgrade Kit RSA5UP, RSA6UP, & RSA6BUP Option 23, Option 24, & Option 25 Instructions现场安装说明 075107000 RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Specifications & Performance Verification Technical Reference性能验证 077052005 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help联机帮助 077051906 RSA6BUP, RSA5UP, and SPECMONUP
Option 09 Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071320400 RSA6BUP and RSA5UP
Option 56, Option 57, and Option 59 Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071286302 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help联机帮助 077051905 RSA5100 Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzers Service Manual维修 077052201 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help联机帮助 077051904 RSA6100B Series Real-Time Signal Analyzer and RSA5100A Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers
Option 53 Memory Extension, 4 GB Acquisition Memory Total Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071287901 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 22 Flexible OFDM Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071284701 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 12 Settling Time Measurements Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071284801 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 11 Phase Noise and Jitter Measurement Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071285301 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 21 General Purpose Digital Modulation Analysis Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071285501 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5000 Series
Option 20 Advanced Signal Analysis Measurements Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071285401 RSA6100A Series, RSA6100B Series, and RSA5100A Series
Option 10 Audio Analysis Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071301201 RSA5100A Series and RSA6100B Series
Option 52 Frequency Mask Trigger Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071285601 RSA6100B Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help联机帮助 077051903 RSA6100A Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help联机帮助 077051902 RSA5UP Option 55
Digital I and Q Output Upgrade Instructions现场安装说明 071288000 RSA56KR
RSA5100A Series and RSA6100A Series Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers Rackmount Instructions现场安装说明 075102300 RSA6100A Series and RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Analyzers Online Help联机帮助 077051901 RSA6100A Series/RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers/Real-Time Signal Analyzers Application Examples Reference用户 071283400
技术文档 文档类型 发布日期 重新规划 5G 测量
SignalVu 矢量信号分析软件提供了多种 RF 测量,可以用于泰克频谱分析仪和示波器,包括 MSO 6B系列和 DPO70000SX 系列示波器。SignalVu 5GNR 选项可以考查 5G 新无线 (NR) 物理层信号,确认 DUT 性能,确保满足 3GPP 测量规范。宣传册 噪声系数:噪声测量方法概述
以噪声因数或噪声系数的形式测量电路元件的噪声成分是 RF 和微波工程师的一项重要任务。本文及其附录概述了各种噪声测量方法,重点介绍 Y 因子法及其相关的测量不确定度。白皮书 Wi-Fi:802.11物理层和发射机测量概述
本入门手册概括介绍了每项802.11标准、其物理层特点及测试要求。入门指南 泰克和 X-COM Systems 平台提供用于 RF 信号捕获和分析的独特功能
频谱监测、雷达和无线系统测试、信号情报、电子情报、通信情报和电子战要求能够长时间捕获、记录和分析信号。它们执行此操作的能力取决于用于该用途的设备的整体质量和能力。本应用指南介绍泰克系统以及该系统在严苛国防应用中的重要性。应用指南 全新802.11 WiFi测试海报
本入门手册概括介绍了每项802.11标准、其物理层特点及测试要求。在本手册中,我们使用802.11 and IEEE 802.11互换使用。海报 I-Q 调制器的基带响应检定
在现代宽带RF 发射机中,系统的I-Q 调制器部分经常会引起调制误差,明显劣化调制质量。本应用指南阐述了导致调制误差的来源的简单原理,以及怎样检定I-Q 调制器,校正这些误差的详细步骤。您将了解可以怎样使用任意波形发生器(AWG) 和混合域示波器(MDO) 测量基带频响、单边带抑制、幅度误差和相位误差以及互调制性能。应用指南 频谱分析仪DPX®采集技术基础入门手册
发现 (信号故障,问题) 是描述、诊断、了解和解决随时间变化的信号相关问题的第一步。随着越来越多的信道涌入有限可用带宽中,新应用采用无线传输,和RF系统变成基于数字的系统,工程师需要更好的工具,找到和理解复杂的行为和相互的影响。泰克实时频谱分析仪(RTSA)采用数字荧光技术或叫做DPXTM,可以揭示传统频谱分析仪和矢量信号分析仪会完全漏掉的信号细节。全面运动的DPX 频谱的实时RF 画面显示您以前没有见到的信号,用户可以立即查看信息,大大加快发现和诊断问题的速度。DPX …入门指南 实时频谱分析基础指南
本基本读物介绍了RTSA的工作方式,可以基本了解怎样使用实时频谱分析仪(RTSA),解决与捕获和分析现代RF 信号有关的许多测量问题。RSA5000 系列实时信号分析仪 速查资料
这份速查资料提供了RSA5000系列实时信号分析仪主要指标和定购信息速查资料 改进 IED 对抗技术 - 使用射频捕获和回放系统
通过结合泰克频谱分析仪和 X-COM Systems 长时间射频信号存储系统,可实现一个独特工具,用于记录、分析和创建新波形和复杂 RF 测试环境 ,以帮助处理 IED 对抗技术。技术简介 实时频谱分析在EMI 诊断中的应用
本应用指南从测试设备和测量技术出发,简单考察了设计和测试的不同阶段同时回顾了当前规定的检测和滤波方法,介绍了规定频段及相关滤波器和检测器最后,它给出了一个EMI 诊断实例,其中使用DPX 频谱显示技术发现信号使用频率模板触发技术捕获信号.应用指南 使用实时频谱分析仪调试和检定宽带RF系统
本应用指南考察了现代RF 系统的特点,演示了怎样使用泰克RSA6100A系列实时频谱分析仪(RTSAs)调试和检定这些系统。我们将介绍发射机的基本矢量和频谱测量、调试高带宽系统及检定宽带DPD 系统。应用指南 理解FFT重叠处理:实时频谱分析仪基础指南
本基础指南介绍了这一技术的分析优势,另外还探讨其工作原理,以及如何用它以前所未有的清晰度来最有效地观察时变射频信号。入门指南 使用泰克实时频谱分析仪检定锁相环
本应用注释概括介绍了锁相环操作,包括线性和非线性效应。它还介绍了怎样使用泰克实时频谱分析仪在时域和频域中测量这些效应。应用指南 使用实时频谱分析技术,迅速识别间歇性信号和干扰信号
本技术简介介绍使用实时频谱分析仪(RTSA)可以可靠地检测和检定瞬时RF信号,大大降低识别问题根源所需的时间。本文将使用大量的不同实例,演示可以怎样在广泛的应用中使用RTSA的独特功能,在这些应用中,识别间歇性信号和干扰信号至关重要。应用指南 Conducted and Radiated Emissions Testing
This application note provides an overview of EMI testing and includes a step-by-step guide for performing pre-compliance testing with test set-ups, setting up a measurement, configuring accessories to increase measurement accuracy, how to perform …应用指南 Overcoming 3 Key Challenges of Time- and Frequency-Correlated RF Measurements
Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers (RTSAs) capture and store signals as a seamless, continuous record of time. Combining deep memory with powerful digital signal processing, RTSAs allow for a variety of triggering, display, and analysis …速查资料 Nano Satellite Case Study
Learn how the RSA5000B spectrum analyzer is being used to test the design of nano satellites and their ability to communicate with a base station.成功案例 Tektronix RSA5100B Wide Band Acquisition Bandwidth Options
Two dynamic range options are available in the RSA5100B series real time spectrum analyzers. Standard dynamic range provides 75 dB spurious free analysis, and high dynamic range options increase this performance to at least 80 dB and beyond. This …技术简介 Advanced Radar Analysis: Tools for Measuring Modern Radar Application Note
Introduction In designing modern electronic warfare and radar systems, you face significant challenges. You must develop solutions with the flexibility and adaptability required for next-generation threat detection and avoidance. To succeed, you …应用指南 Radar Basics
While radar technology was initially focused on military and commercial aviation applications, today there are many commercial applications. This application note covers the basics of modern radar applications from military to commercial use in …应用指南 Testing APCO Project 25 Transmitters with Tektronix Solutions
The RSA5000B and MDO4000B with SignalVu-PC are ideal solutions for equipment manufacturers and network operators testing and deploying new Project 25 communications networks. The Tektronix solution provide flexible testing solutions for up-front …应用指南 Project 25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) Solution
Quick overview of the complete Tektronix solution for Project 25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR).速查资料 Fundamentals of Radar Measurements
Chapter I. Introduction Modern radar design has created complicated pulses that present significant measurement challenges. Improvements to range, resolution and immunity to interference have required phase modulated …入门指南 Testing Modern Radios
Designers have long sought to improve the performance and resiliency of radio communications. With the radio frequency (RF) spectrum becoming more crowded and interference more prevalent in recent years, these efforts have become increasingly …应用指南 Solving the Complexity of DigRF Testing
No matter what stage of the development you are involved in, when it comes to RF test equipment, flexibility is the key. Test equipment needs to be flexible enough to go beyond just verifying that the device under test is complying to the standard …技术简介 $name
应用指南 RF Recording and Playback Solutions
Introduction to RF Record and Playback Spectrum management, RF interference analysis, signal acquisition, product testing and validation, RF system design, communication security, and academic research, all routinely perform or can benefit from the …应用指南
软件 文档类型 部件号: 发布日期 RSA5100B Series Software - V4.5.0093
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers. Introduced with this release, 5GNR Uplink/Downlink Measurements (5GNR) derived from specifications in 3GPP NR Release 16 includes Modulation …固件 066163211 RSA5100B Series Software - V4.1.0002
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers.固件 066163210 RSA5100B Series Software - V3.23.0022
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers.固件 066163209 RSA MATLAB dpx plot_使用Matlabd读取RSA的DPX频谱图
This simple code shows how DPX trace data, saved in the form of a .mat file, can be extracted and plotted in MATLAB. It takes the trace data from the file, then plots it as a Spectrogram and Waterfall(3D) plot. These .mat files have the following …脚本例程 MATLAB getting spectrum data from RSA_使用Matlab获取RSA的频谱数据
演示了如何用Matlab对RSA进行编程并读取设定好的频谱数据。 请注意相关软件配置环境以及VISA resource地址。Tektronix公司不负责该例程的完整性、可执行性和正确性。 请点击‘’安装说明“链接直接获取 TXT 源码文件脚本例程 RSA5100B Series Software, V3.9.0031
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers.固件 066163205 RSA5100A Series Software, V3.6.0239
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103A, RSA5106A, RSA5115A and RSA5126A Real-Time Signal Analyzers.固件 066126412 RSA5100B Series Software, V3.2.0535
Instrument application firmware for RSA5103B, RSA5106B, RSA5115B and RSA5126B Real-Time Signal Analyzers.固件 066162201
常见问题 常见问题 ID TekVISA是什么?我如何使用它来与我的仪器进行通信并控制仪器?
VISA 是 Virtual Instrument Software Architecture(虚拟仪器软件体系结构)的缩写形式。简言之,VISA 可处理您的计算机操作系统与仪器之间的通信。 您可能已熟悉 TekVISA。TekVISA 是泰克自己的 VISA 品牌。安捷伦和 National Instruments 也有自己的 VISA。每个 VISA 中包含通信驱动程序、USBTMC 驱动程序(USB 测试和测量类驱动程序)、VISA 软件库和文档、仪器连接管理器 …69176 如何使用 TekVISA 向我的仪器发送命令?
TekVISA 下载链接: /node/69201 为与示波器进行通信并控制示波器,可以使用 OpenChoice Talker-Listener。返回“应用程序和实用工具”面板,单击OpenChoice Talker Listener,然后单击”启动应用程序或实用工具”。系统会弹出一个新窗口,您将在此窗口中看到 4 个不同的面板:“仪器”,选择您想要与之通信的仪器;“输入命令或脚本”,输入编程命令并将其发送到仪器的字段 …69181 I've just received a new RSA5100A series instrument and it is promptingme for a password.
The RSA5100A and B series instruments ship with the default password "spearfish".69396 What is included in the Tektronix Near Field Probe kit (Tek p/n 119-4146-00) and what are they used for?
The Tektronix 119-4146-00 Near Field Probe Set is intended to serve as a versatile aid for diagnostic testing of radiated emissions over a broad range of frequencies from below 100 kHz to above 1GHz. The probe set consist of three (3) magnetic field …64501 My scope has Windows 10 version 1607, but more recent versions have been released by Microsoft. Can my scope be updated?
No, but there is no need to. The Windows build on Tektronix scopes is from the Long-Term Servicing Channel (Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC). Unlike normal releases of version 1607, this release still receives security updates and support from Microsoft …780986