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Trace Analysis Software



Features & Benefits

  • Windows 3.1, 95, 98, and NT Compatible
  • Bidirectional Event Averaging
  • Batch File Comparison Against a Template Allows Faster Analysis of OTDR Data
  • Batch File Printing and Data Export Functions Provides Easy Documentation of OTDR Data
  • Extensive HELP Menus (Feature HELP and Application HELP) Make FMTAP Software Easy to Learn
  • Easy to Install and Use


  • System Documentation Generation
  • Offline Analysis of TDR Data
  • Analyzing and Exporting Data for Spreadsheet or Other External Report Tools
  • Batch Print of Installation Tests
  • Adding Analysis and Notes to Batches of Tests

FMTAP Version 3.1 OTDR trace analysis software allows you to access, analyze, and document OTDR test data from a PC Windows platform. You can easily analyze and document the quality of fiber links in your network using FMTAP software and your saved OTDR data files from Tektronix mainframe and mini-OTDRs including the TFP2, TFP2A, TFS3030, and TFS3031.

FMTAP version 3.1 software can perform the following functions on OTDR data files on a PC Windows platform:

  • View a Saved OTDR Trace Data File
  • View the Trace Event Table and Event Notes
  • View the Acquisition Parameters of the Data File
  • View the Filename and File Notes of the Data File
  • Edit Filename, File Notes, and Event Notes
  • Measure Splice Loss, Link Loss, Reflectance, Link Return Loss, and Fiber Slope
  • Adjust Refractive Index, Backscatter Factor, Event Threshold, and Distance Units
  • Zoom In/Out on Any Section of the Trace
  • Manually Mark Events
  • Automatically Mark Events
  • View Two OTDR Traces Simultaneously
  • Perform Bidirectional Measurements on OTDR Traces
  • Read .cff, .wfm, and .sor OTDR Data File Formats
  • Write .cff, .wfm, and .sor OTDR Data File Formats
  • Extensive HELP Menus (Features and Applications)

In addition, FMTAP software provides the following documentation functions:

  • Batch File Printing of Trace and Table Data
  • Batch File Comparison Against a User-Defined Template
  • Export OTDR Data to Other Windows Software (Word Processing, Desktop Publishing, Spreadsheets)


System Requirements:

Processor - 80486 or higher-based PC, math coprocessor recommended

Operating System - Windows 3.1, '95 (Windows '95 or above recommended)

Base Memory - 640-K RAM minimum

Extended or Expanded Memory - 4-MB minimum required

Graphics Adapter and Monitor - Windows-compatible color display

Hard Drive - Minimum 5-MB available space

Floppy Disk Drive - 3.5 in., 1.44 MB IBM-compatible


FMTAP™ 3.0 - FMTAP Version 3.1 screen showing data trace and fiber parameters.