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Current Measurement Systems
AM5030 • AM5030S
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AM5030 • AM5030S
Features & Benefits
- GPIB Programmable Current Probe Amplifier
- Plugs into TM5000 Power Modules
- Operated with External Controller or Manually from Front Panel
- Switching Power Supplies/Inverters
- Disk Drives
- Electronic Ballasts
- Motor Drives
- Inverters
- Avionics
AM5030 Current Measurement Family
The AM5030S has been discontinued
The AM5030 Current Measurement system family is the most sophisticated current measurement solution available. The split core probes incorporate both a transformer for AC and a Hall Effect device for DC measurements to provide broadband current measurements from DC to 100 MHz. The AM5030 Programmable Current Probe Amplifier automates time consuming manual measurements via a GPIB command set. The industry standard AM503S Current Probe System provides a complete current measurement system in a single package.
The XL Series of probes features eight-meter cables for convenient access to test points. The A6304XL enables measurements of 500 A at DC, 700 A Peak.
AM5030 Programmable Current Probe Amplifier
The AM5030 Current Probe Amplifier with General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) adds programmability. The AM5030 enables you to use automated techniques to make wide bandwidth AC/DC current measurements. The AM5030 is a TM5000 single-wide module that plugs into a 3-slot TM5003 power module mainframe. The AM5030 works only in a TM5000 mainframe. The AM5030 uses A6312, A6302, A6303 and the XL Series of current probes and connects to any scope or analyzer via a BNC cable.
The AM5030 does not have to be calibrated with specific current probes. This is a tremendous operational improvement over the older AM503 Systems. The AM5030 also provides several improvements over the AM503A, including a faster Degauss/self-calibration cycle and more responsive, reliable front-panel controls.
The AM5030 uses the IEEE-488.1 bus standard. Using a simple command set, you can configure and confirm the settings of the amplifier or read the instrument's serial number. You can determine whether the current probe is open or closed, use bus commands to initiate a self-test or force a probe Degauss and DC balance operation. The AM5030 bus address is set through the front panel and the address is retained when power is removed. The AM5030 does not require an external controller to operate. It can be completely controlled using the front panel; however, when used with a controller, the front panel can be disabled to prevent manual operator adjustments.
The AM5030S consists of an AM5030 and a TM5003. If you already own a power module, order only an AM5030. If you need a power module, order an AM5030S. Order the appropriate probes separately.
Ordering Information
The AM5030S has been discontinued
Programmable Current Probe Amplifier.
Includes: 50 Ω BNC cable (012-0057-01); instruction manual (070-8766-05); reference card (070-8770-01). The AM5030 requires an A6312, A6302, A6303 or XL Series Current Probe and a TM5003 or AM5030S Power Module Mainframe. Please specify power cord when ordering.
Programmable Current Probe Amplifier and Power Module.
Includes: AM5030 Programmable Current Probe Amplifier and TM5003 3-wide Power Module Mainframe. Order probes separately. Please specify power cord when ordering.
International Power Plugs
Opt. A0 - North America power.
Opt. A1 - Universal EURO power.
Opt. A2 - United Kingdom power.
Opt. A3 - Australia power.
Opt. A4 - 240 V, North America power.
Opt. A5 - Switzerland power.
Opt. C3 - Calibration Service 3 Years.
Opt. C5 - Calibration Service 5 Years.
Opt. D1 - Calibration Data Report.
Opt. D3 - Calibration Data Report 3 Years (with Option C3).
Opt. D5 - Calibration Data Report 5 Years (with Option C5).
Opt. R3 - Repair Service 3 Years.
Opt. R5 - Repair Service 5 Years.