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PatternPro® PPG1000, PPG3000 and PPG4000 Pattern Generator



All specifications are guaranteed unless noted otherwise. All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.

PPG3200 data outputs
Each positive and negative differential output is independently programmable.
300 mV to 1.0 V
600 mV to 2.0 V
Offset window
-2 V to +3 V, programmable/adjustable
Rise/fall time
Scope bandwidth can impact the measured signal rise time.
20 to 80%
11 ps, typical
10 to 90 %
16 ps, typical
Termination voltage range

-2.0 V to +3.3 V window. Programmable/adjustable. Applied by user via 50 Ω.

This setting is used in cases where the load being driven is terminated at a level other than zero volts. The effect of the termination voltage on the output voltage is shown in the following figure. To ensure proper operation, never load the output with a termination voltage less than Voh minus 3 V.


Data output jitter
250 fsRMS RMS RJ typical at 32 Gb/s using PRBS 211-1 pattern
Connector type
2.4 mm
Output impedance
50 Ω
100 Ω
PPG3000 & PPG1600 data outputs
Amplitude range
250 mV to 2.0 V
500 mV to 4.0 V
Differential. Each positive and negative differential output is independently programmable.
Offset range
–2 V to +3.0 V window. Programmable/adjustable.
Termination voltage range

-2.0 V to +3.3 V window. Programmable/adjustable. Applied by user via 50 Ω.

This setting is used in cases where the load being driven is terminated at a level other than zero volts. The effect of the termination voltage on the output voltage is shown in the following figure. To ensure proper operation, never load the output with a termination voltage less than Voh minus 3 V.


Crossing point
35% to 65%, typical. Tested using 50% mark density pattern.
Rise/fall time
Scope bandwidth can impact the measured signal rise time.
20% - 80%
17 ps, typical
10% - 90%
25 ps, typical
Data output jitter
350 fsRMS, RJ typical at 28 Gb/s using PRBS 211-1 pattern
350 fsRMS, RJ typical at 14 Gb/s using PRBS 211-1 pattern
Connector type
2.92 mm
Output impedance
50 Ω
100 Ω
Data patterns
Pattern type
Data (from memory) or PRBS. Length and type are individually settable on multi-channel generators.
Data rate
1.5 Gb/s to 16 Gb/s, (PPG1600 series)

1.5 Gb/s to 30 Gb/s, (PPG3000 series)

1.5 Gb/s to 32 Gb/s (PPG3200 series)

10 kb/s
±5 ppm
PRBS pattern lengths
Independently selected on multi-channel units
27 -1 bits
Polynomial = X7 + X6 + 1 
29 - 1 bits
Polynomial = X9 + X5 + 1 
211 - 1 bits
Polynomial = X11 + X9 + 1 
215 - 1 bits
Polynomial = X15 + X14 + 1 
223 - 1 bits
Polynomial = X23 + X18 + 1 
231 - 1 bits
Polynomial = X31 + X28 + 1 
Data pattern depth
2 to 4,194,304 bits. For 1 channel generator (4 Mbits).

2 to 2,097,152 bits. For 2 or 4 channel generators (2 Mbits/channel).

1 bit
Clock outputs
The clock outputs are single-ended, applicable for internal clock. The internal clock rate ranges from 15 GHz to 30 GHz (PPG3000 series) and 16 GHz to 32 GHz (PPG1600 and PPG3200 series).
PPG1600 Clock output frequency
(Internal clock)/(n), n = 2,4,8, or 16 user programmable
PPG3000 Clock output frequency
(Internal clock)/(n), n = 1,2,4,8, or 16 user programmable
PPG3200 Divided Clock output frequency
(Internal clock)/(n), n = 2,4,8, or 16 user programmable
PPG3200 Full Rate Clock output frequency (single output for PPG3201/2, quad output for PPG3204)
Internal clock
Amplitude varies with frequency

600 mVp-p, typical; 200 mVp-pminimum; 1.0 Vp-pmaximum

Output impedance
50 Ω, AC-coupled
Maximum external DC voltage
±5 V
< 200 fsRMS typical, measured by spectrum analyzer on 1010 pattern, phase noise integrated from 1 kHz to 1 GHz.
Connector type
2.92 mm (PPG3000 & PPG1600)

2.4 mm (PPG3200)

Jitter insertion

The pattern generator can be ordered with built-in jitter options. The PPG3200 series are available with Option LFJIT and Option HFJIT; the PPG1600 and PPG3000 series are available with Option HFJIT only. The jitter insertion is the delay modulation of the data channels. Option HFJIT applies to each channel individually; Option LFJIT applies equally to clock and data.


Jitter insertion block diagram

High frequency jitter insertion option (Option HFJIT)

Add-on option for the instrument. Independent jitter sources on each channel. Sum of external, internal sine, and internal noise. Total range depends on modulation frequencies. Exceeding the range can generate errors.

Total modulation range
50 psp-p
Built-in sine source
Programmable from either the front panel touch screen or remote control.
Frequency range
5 kHz to 100 MHz
Amplitude range
0 to 50 psp-p
±10%, typical
Built-in random noise source
Programmable from either the front panel touch screen or remote control.
Amplitude range
0 to 5 psRMS
±10% typical
Built-in BUJ source
Programmable from either the front panel touch screen or remote control.
Amplitude range
0 to 50 psp-p
Modulation data rates
100 Mb/s to 2.5 Gb/s
PRBS sequences
Filter values
25/50/100 MHz filters
External modulation input
DC coupled, 3 dB bandwidths
Frequency range
DC to 100 MHz
Amplitude range
0 to 50 ps p-p
Maximum input
5 Vp-p
Low frequency jitter insertion (Option LFJIT)
Add-on option.

The specifications below apply when the data rate equals the internal clock rate frequency of 20 to 40 GHz. For each frequency octave below, the internal clock rate, the specifications below will be reduced by half. For example, when the data rate is 8 to 15.99999 Gb/s, the values below will be divided by 2. When the data rate is 4 to 7.99999 Gb/s, the values will be divided by 4.

SJ modulation range curve points
Parameter Value
10 Hz fmod5000 UIp-p
100 Hz fmod2000 UIp-p
1 kHz fmod2000 UIp-p
10 kHz fmod2000 UIp-p
100 kHz fmod100 UIp-p
1 MHz fmod10 UIp-p
2 MHz fmod1 UIp-p
10 MHz fmod0.5 UIp-p


Trigger system
Trigger waveform
Pattern mode trigger is synced to channel 1 pattern.
Pattern mode
1 pattern per trigger for pattern length = multiple of 64 

64 patterns per trigger for other pattern lengths

Clock/n mode
64 through (232 - 64), n= any multiple of 64 in that range
Duty cycle
50%, for either Pattern or Clock/n
High level
0 V, typical
Low level
-500 mV, typical
Output impedance
50 Ω, DC-coupled
Connector type
Clock inputs
Frequency range
15 GHz to 30 GHz, (PPG3000 series)

16 GHz to 32 GHz, (PPG3200 series)

Not applicable for the PPG1600 series.

Input signal
400 mVp-p, typical, AC coupled
Maximum input signal
1 Vp-p
Input impedance
50 Ω, AC-coupled
Reference clock
Input frequency range
10 MHz ±10 ppm
Input signal
1 Vp-p, typical, 50% duty square wave
Maximum input signal
6 Vp-p, ±10 V DC, Damage threshold
Input impedance
50 Ω, AC-coupled
Output signal
1.2 Vp-p, typical, Square wave
10 MHz reference input/output
Yes, BNC connector
Channel skew
Skew adjust
Relative to nominal position
PPG1600 and PPG3000

Range = ±50 ps

Resolution = 100 fs


Range = ±25 ps

Resolution = 100 fs

Pattern shift
Advance or delay. This is equivalent to unlimited shifting since this range allows shifting the longest pattern to any position.
± (230-1)
1 bit
Nominal channel to channel pattern skew
< ±2 UI, Time difference between patterns on a 2 channel PPG3000 series, skew adjust and bit shift at 0.
Data error insertion
Error insertion types
Single or rate-based
Error insertion rate
1 x 10-3 to 1 x 10-15 BER
3 digits
Control interfaces
Front panel touchscreen GUI
Yes, edit all instrument settings.
Computer programmable interface
USB TMC, program all instrument settings.
Physical characteristics
Front panel width (with mounting tabs)
48.3 cm (19.0 in)
1 & 2 channel
13.3 cm (5.25 in)
4 channel
27.9 cm (11.0 in)
45.1 cm (17.75 in)
Depth (rack mount)
35.1 cm (13.8 in)
1 & 2 channel
11.1 kg (24.5 lbs)
4 channel
20.4 kg (45 lbs)
Operating temperature
0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)